“Men coming back to Earth to retrieve their human wives. Or men coming to Earth to find a wife.”
“But Fox makes everyone get binding tattoos…”
“Yes, he does. But if the difference between you never marrying or always being devoted to your wife, which one would you choose?”
“Why can’t they find a wife in the Empire?”
“There’s a serious demographics issue. There are too many men and it’s only getting worse.”
“But why? You must have the medical technology.”
Axl looks away.
“Why?” I ask again. I wonder if he’s hit a block with his sci-fi world building.
He comes over and takes my hands. This can’t be good. “There’s been some trouble between men and women. It’s mostly settled now. But I don’t want to lie to you in case you do end up in the Empire, a lot of women were murdered by men a few years ago.”
All the blood has drains from my head and I feel dizzy. I have to ask him the question, “Did you kill any women?”
“No I was not a part of any of it,” he says. His eyes meet mine unwavering and I’m convinced he’s telling the truth.
“And how do Alliance women feel about humans coming back with men who killed their mothers, sisters, and daughters? That can’t be good.”
“No, it’s all very messy and it’s all difficult, but I don’t think they blame human women.”
I try to imagine the situation, but I can’t.
There’s a loud chime throughout the ship. Axl leads me out of our quarters. “We must get strapped in. The Hio will jump from the solar system shortly.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It means that you are going to fly around the ship if you’re not strapped in and the seats are in the corridor.”
I follow him into the hallway where we take some seats with other passengers. There’s another human woman onboard. We make eye contact but she doesn’t smile at me, nor I at her. I feel like I should say something like, ‘You’re human too, are you also playing this game?’ but that sounds ridiculous to my ears, so I keep it to myself and sit in the seat Axl points to. As usual, he helps me secure my seat belt. There are no windows, so I don’t know what’s happening outside, but I listen to the crew over the intercom. I feel like I’m an actor in a movie. The crew is preparing to jump. Whatever that means.
“Standby to jump.”
“Execute jump.”
“Five, four, three, two, one.”
Suddenly the ship is shaking and I become really worried. Am I going to die? I look over at Axl.
He takes my hand. “This is normal.”
I squeeze his hand. The shaking of the ship and the feeling that I can’t breathe seems to go on forever. I close my eyes and try to center myself. I try to think about the money waiting for me at the cabin, paying off my debts, buying a bakery, but it’s no good. I can’t shift the feeling that I’m dying in this small steel room. Again I question myself. Is this real or is this all a game for some billionaires’ pleasure? Or Axl’s pleasure alone? I don’t know. But I’m almost there I remind myself. I must continue to do this and then I get the money and can go home. But I feel so scared. Maybe all of this is going to change into a horror show? When he mentioned all of those women being killed it didn’t feel good. Maybe I am going to die here too.
After an eternity, the ship stops trembling and I let go of Axl’s hand. My hand is covered in sweat and so am I. He unstraps me and I try to stand but almost fall. He catches me and holds me by the elbow.
“It can be disorientating the first time. Maybe it’s best you lay down.”
I allow Axl to lead me to our imperial quarters and I lie down on the thin, long bed. There’s really nowhere for him to lay down and I feel bad if he’s disorientated too, but I don’t even have the strength to apologize. I close my eyes still wondering if this is a dream or reality.
I wake up and I’m alone in our small quarters onboard the Hio. I sit up and am not dizzy anymore. I get up to use the bathroom and then sit on the bed. I have nothing to do and if I stay in this room alone, I’m going to make myself crazy.
Besides, whoever abducted me or is paying for this game, would not want me to just sit around and do nothing. And maybe there’s the possibility that this is all over now. That the game has ended and I can just walk out. Axl and I have accomplished what we needed to do. We passed border control; they think we are married. Now I can go home and collect the money, right?
I open the door and look down the hallway. I don’t see anyone, but I hear people talking. I walk towards the sound but I stop before I round the corner, because I also hear what sounds like people throwing something or fighting. I think I hear Axl. Quietly I walk toward the sounds and I hazard a peek.