
I’m getting an urgent message on the imperial channel. I open it and immediately recognize my cousin’s face. Her green eyes are red from crying.

“Goddesses, what has happened Empress?”

“Axl, I need you to do something or our House will fall.”

“Anything for you and House Zu, Empress.”

“You must track the middling class trader…” I double-check that our channel is secure while I listen, the Empress can be careless with communications, “the middling class trader,” she repeats herself, “His name is Ros. He’s set to rendezvous with the alpha ship Fer.”

“And then?”

“Kill him before he makes that rendezvous. Make it look like an accident if you can. No one can know it was done by an imperial hand.”

I hold eye contact with her. “Why me?” This sounds like a job for someone outside the Empire.

“This affects you too. You are in House Zu. You do not need details. You need to do your duty Axl.”

Killing another Alliance man without personal cause carries a death sentence. “But without evidence…”

“Is my word as Empress not good enough for you?”

I hesitate. If I deny her she can have me dismissed or at the worst killed in the same way she wants Ros slain.

“Do what you need to do and I swear on the goddess of home, I will protect you, Axl.”

“How can you protect me if this is all a secret?”

“Do you question me, your Empress? Where is your loyalty to House Zu? I tell you to act, you do it, and trust me to care for you. Now goddesses’ speed to complete your mission.” The Empress signs off. I’m left looking at the imperial emblem for a while and then my screen fades to black.

I stare at my empty screen for a second and then I begin my research on the middling class trader named Ros. As a secret operative for the Empire, I have covert technology and security clearance at the highest imperial level. It doesn’t take me long to find Ros, he has a record of some questionable trading but nothing that looks too suspicious. However, a request from the Empress is a demand. I set in a course of jumps to intercept Ros before he reaches his rendezvous. As long as he doesn’t see me coming, which he won’t, this will be over in a few days.

But before I begin, I make an RVM to my sister, Lia. I wait impatiently for her face to appear. “Goddesses be thanked.”

“You’re not coming are you?”

“How did you know?”

“You never RVM unless it’s a regret.”

“I am regretful but I’ve been…” she interrupts me.

“Have been called away by duty. Axl, you’re always called away. You’re never here when we need you to be. It’s no wonder no one wants to marry you.”

“It’s the goddesses’ will,” I reply, ignoring her slight.

“It’s my first day representing our House in the High Council. I wanted you to be here to celebrate our family’s success.”

“And I wish I could be. I’m sorry.” Then as an afterthought I ask, “How are things with Tir?” I don’t like this man courting my younger sister. He’s too impulsive and is rumored to have a sexual dysfunction .

“That’s none of your business.”

“But my marital status is yours?”

“You’re my brother. You can’t be trusted to make such a major decision as marriage without female guidance,” she tells me. “And if I’m really thinking about it, I’m sure that’s the selfish reason you’re not coming home now.”