"Where do you read those?"

"Oh, don't worry. Once you're married, you'll have access to everything, and you'll see the galaxy is teeming with life, and it's so big and exciting you'll wonder why you ever thought you might not want this."

When I don't reply but just look at my reflection, Caroline adds, "I know how surreal this must all feel to you now."

"How did you meet your husband?"

"It's a long story, but it's not too different from yours, so I know how you're feeling. The mixed emotions and the doubt. But not once have I ever regretted marrying him or moving here."

"Relationships are based on trust, and Sem broke that trust."

"I think things would have definitely been different had Commander Fox let you stay after that first time, but that's between Sem and Commander Fox. What's done is done."

"I have a small worry that I'm doing this only because I love him, not because it's the best thing."

"No one would ever get married if it weren't for love," Caroline says, touching my arm reassuringly. "If I thought you were making a mistake, if I thought Sem wasn't an honorable man, I'd be helping you escape, not preparing you to marry him."

I smile at the idea of her helping me escape in one of their little spaceships. "Is the ceremony terrible?

"No, just get through it. I'm going to give you the medicine that dulls your embarrassment and shame."

"How does that work?"

"It's complicated. But it works, and it doesn't give you a hangover like bourbon, and you won't slur your words either. In retrospect, I'm more embarrassed about slurring my words during my marriage ceremony than the public sex," Caroline tells me confidentially, and I feel a closeness with her about all of this. "Now you look like the classic Alliance bride, I think, but regardless, Sem will adore it."

In the reflection, my shoulder-length brown hair is braided and has silver combs holding the braids back. And with the jewelry and the dress, this isn't any look that is reminiscent of Earth's history, as far as I'm aware. I'd say this could easily be a costume from a science fiction movie, which is fitting, all things considered.

Soon to be an alien man’s wife.


July 7, 2023


Outside the shrine, I take Ivy's hand and ask her, "Are you ready to become my wife in the Alliance way?"

"It’s now or never, right? Or rather, it’s now or more lashings tomorrow."

"Who told you?"


"Don't worry, if you can handle it, I can too. I'm more concerned about putting myself on display without any clothing on and doing things I never wanted anyone but you to see me do. Your medical technology can heal my physical wounds, but I think the embarrassment will always be with me. And the medicine Caroline gave me isn't enough. I feel embarrassed already.”

"I'll make you orgasm so deeply you will forget about anyone watching."

"That's what I'm afraid of."

"Let's begin," I say and begin walking into the shrine. This isn't the usual way, but I was worried that Ivy might not walk in if she were on her own.

Commander Fox, Caroline, the doctor, and Vin are in attendance, in addition to a junior priest on RVM from the Capital City. The ceremony will take place in Alliance and English. I will say all of my vows in English for Ivy’s sake since she still doesn’t have a translator.

Ivy and I approach the goddess of home's statue, surrounded by hundreds of lit candles. It's to show that we've transgressed. I face Ivy once we are in position and continue to hold her hands as I say, "The goddesses have blessed us by bringing us together. Let us walk in their light and permanently intertwine our souls."

Vin then hands me my dagger. I feel bad that this is the same dagger that almost killed her the last time she was abducted, but it's the only one I own, and men don't share daggers, especially on important occasions like this.

Caroline holds our silver ceremonial cup. I make eye contact with her to make sure she's ready. She gives me a confident nod.