"Take me with you," I beg. Because in my memory, I worry that this is all too good to be true. I don't want to be put in another cage, and if I happen to be put in another cage, let it be this man's private cage. I could look at his face for the rest of my life.

Sem doesn't actually say anything to me, but he says something to the other military men in the language I don't know. The other men don't seem happy with what he has said, but then, to my relief, keeps me with him.

"What did he say?" I ask the doctor.

"I told my men that you were staying with me. I already knew then that you were my other half."

His words echo through my brain. 'I already knew then, Ivy, that you were my other half.'

Then, days fly by of Sem caring for me alone in a small room. We share so many memories together. I know everything about him. His childhood, his accomplishments, his sorrow and anger over his mother’s death.

The doctor says something, and Sem hesitates to translate.

“What did he say?”

“It was unprofessional for me to share so many of my memories with you after it was clear that your body was healing.”

“I’m glad to have these memories back,” I say. “It feels right to have them again.”

The next memory is of me arriving on this base and being transported to the medical center. I see Caroline and the same doctor I'm with now. They both tell me they are going to help me.

The next thing I know, when I wake up, I'm at my apartment with a memory of Scarlett and I going to the movies and then getting some free coupons for drinks, drinking a lot of wine, and calling it an early night in. Then I went camping by myself for a while.

Sem translates for the doctor. "I am going to leave both memories, but you will know which one is true now, but your friend might still refer to the other. You must never tell her the truth. If you do, you will be in violation of Alliance and GC laws."

"She'd never believe me anyway," I reply, and I can’t help but have some sympathy for Sem. Would I have believed him without seeing all this for myself?

"The doctor says you can sit up now and open your eyes. He is going to check your eggs."

"Do I need to take off my clothing?"


A green scanning light runs across my lower abdomen, and on a 3D computer, I see what I assume are my ovaries. As the doctor zooms in and then looks at his computer, I try to make sense of what I'm seeing. The doctor is giving no clues through his body language.

"The computer guesses they were able to steal about twenty eggs from you but rest assured, it's unlikely they'd be viable, especially by the crude and quick method they were retrieved. Granted, the Dulu are the best at artificial insemination and artificial wombs, but they struggle to nurture life in its first stages of development."

"What are you saying? They could make a child out of my eggs?"

"Theoretically, but it's unlikely they'd be successful. Most likely, they sold your eggs, and then the chance of creating life falls even further."

"Who would buy human eggs?" I ask.

"Alliance people who struggle with too close genetics," Sem translates for the doctor.

"But why?" I am still confused by this whole situation.

"For UCs."

"What are UCs?"

"Galactic currency. Money."

The doctor touches my arm, and Sem translates. "I will give you a translator next week. In the meantime, I hope to see you marry and then face your punishment so you can begin to enjoy your life and each other. Walk in the goddesses' light, Madame Ivy."

I watch as the doctor walks away, and the lights turn on and then off automatically as he walks through the medical center. Then I look at Sem. "Those ugly green aliens stole my eggs."

"I'm sorry."