I wake up. I’m onboard the Des, Alliance Force’s largest ship. Nothing compared to the size of normal military starships, but perfect for our missions in the Solar System. Small, fast, and impenetrable.
I let go of my bed sheets. I was dreaming that Ivy was next to me in bed naked. I was running my hands down her body, past her hips, and in between her thighs, caressing her. Even now that I’m awake, I can still hear her sighs of pleasure in my mind.
I look at my empty hands. The erotic dream is over.
With only a moment’s hesitation, I use the holo bed options to relieve my uncomfortable arousal. I select ‘sexual pleasure,’ and the following menu appears.
Five minutes to orgasm
Ten minutes to orgasm
Multiple orgasms over 30 minutes
Input player one
Input multiple players
It feels wrong to input a player when thinking about Ivy, so I check the time and press ten minutes to orgasm. Then lie down and close my eyes. As good as AI is, it’s never like the real thing. It’s always too flawless. But soon, I can’t think about anything. I’m on the verge of orgasm, my penis being enveloped by a warm and wet feeling as if a woman were riding me perfectly, faster, and skillfully. I orgasm in waves of great muscle spasms, but it’s not real. When I open my eyes, there’s no one in the room but me. It’s a physical pleasure empty of emotional touches, and I find myself missing Ivy even more.
I shower quickly and put on my uniform. It’s too early for breakfast, so I go to the bridge and take my seat in the commander’s chair.
“Status?” I ask.
“Nothing has changed. They’re still on course and being pursued by the Ge.”
“Any word from Ash?” He’s commanding the Ge.
“Good. We will continue to wait.”
“Do you think they suspect?” one of my bridge officers asks.
“No. I don’t think anyone could have foreseen the Agnorrians getting involved,” I say. And then the bridge is quiet except for the occasional report. My mind begins to wander, and all I can think about is Ivy. I wonder what she’s doing and if she’s wearing the bracelet I gave her. In my mind’s eye, I imagine it on her small arm.
My daydreaming is cut short by one of my officers, “We’ve been given the signal.”
“Let’s begin. Arm weapons and let them know we are here,” I command.
“Weapons armed.”
“They’re ignoring us.”
“Fire seven warning shots,” I command. This is the signature of an Alliance warship. It means we’re alerting the goddesses that we’re prepared to die in this battle.
“They’ve powered up their weapons.”
“Target their engines and fire at will,” I say, and then to my helmsman, “Basic maneuvers.” The best part about our little ship is that we can move much faster than most warships in the galaxy.
“Hit off the starboard bow,” my officer says.
I check the sensors. It’s not serious.
“Keep firing. We almost have them,” I say. However, our ship is unsteady with the last hit. I hold on to my chair. “Almost.”