“I guess? It’s just because things have been so weird with the bond. I don’t think she’s sure about me.”

Carla tilted her head, scrutinizing me. “Are you sure about her?”

“I…yeah. I want her to be happy and have anything she wants.”

Carla set a soft hand on my arm. “It’s okay if you want to be the only one she wants. Pack life isn’t for everyone.”

I shrugged. “Maybe I’d like it if I gave it a shot. I’m just feeling…” I stared down at my hands, flexing them to relieve some tension. “Territorial isn’t really the right word, but I’m not sure what else to call it.”

“I mean, she is your mate. It’s different than if you were just casually dating, even if you didn’t pick the order of things. I’m not surprised you’re feeling weird about it. Have you talked to her about this?”

“Not yet. I was going to see how the date went first. Maybe I don’t even have to worry about it.”

She gave me a skeptical look. “You’re already worrying about it.”

Carla wasn’t wrong. I’d mostly been doing my best to avoid thinking about it at all, but Carla’s news about her pack had forced the thought to the front of my brain again. I kept mentally wrestling with the idea that maybe I wasn’t enough for Allie, but that wasn’t fair. That wasn’t what having a pack was about. I couldn’t let myself get tangled up in the worries of bringing in anyone else that would be loving support for my mate.

“If she does pack up,” Carla added, giving my arm a comforting squeeze, “remember that the pack is there for you too. It’s not about anyone stealing her from you; it’s all of you building a life together. It can be difficult to navigate, but you’re so fucking chill as a person that you have a better chance than most at making it work. Talk to her if she wants to explore pack life, set up boundaries so you’re both comfortable, go out on some of those dates with her and meet your potential packmates. There’s no reason you have to sit at home worrying like a mother hen watching her chick run off to the fox den.”

I snorted. “I know you’re right.”

“I usually am.”

“I’ll work around to it, figure out what I want on my end before I dig into it all with her.”

“Fair enough.”

Students began filtering back in and we were forced to abandon our conversation for the class to resume. During our lunch break I slipped away and picked up a chocolate milkshake for Allie, adding in a strawberry one for Luna for good measure.


Treats downstairs




The sight of her dashing off the elevator and slamming against my chest was enough to stop the breath in my lungs. It was honestly unfair how bright her smile was, how her hair shone in the light, and the warmth of her wrapped around me.

“I love surprise treats.”

“I thought you might.” I passed her the milkshakes.


“I didn’t want Luna to be left out.”

“You’re really angling to be her favorite alpha ever. Meg’s going to be so sad she has competition.”

“Meg can keep her top spot. I’m happy to be number two. I just want your friends to be comfortable around me.”

“You are way too sweet. I was just about to call you.”

“Oh yeah? About what?”

“I’m up for a promotion!”