Only two people in the class raised their hands.

“How would you describe the experience of the heat haze?”

“Like I was high off my ass and running a marathon at the same time.”

The class chuckled.

“Exactly. That’s why I’m urging you to take all the safety precautions before you need them.”

The Q&A lasted about an hour before they finally calmed down with the promise that we could schedule Allie to come in again for another Ask-an-Omega session later on in the program once they had a deeper understanding of everything.

We took a short break, the students filtering out to stretch their legs and get refreshments.

The door to the classroom opened and Carla appeared, rolling her wheelchair toward us. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a half ponytail, and her tank top showed off the multitude of tattoos decorating her skin.

“Hey, stranger! I wanted to peep your first class. How’s it all going so far?”

Allie’s cheeks burned bright pink when recognition flashed in her eyes. “Hey, Carla. Nice to see you again.”

“Allie!” Carla beamed. “Glad to see you looking so well. Are you checking out the class, too?”

“She’s helping,” I added. “The students were very excited to have an omega to ask.”

Carla laughed. “Oh my god, I bet. That would have been wicked helpful when we were in training. You should absolutely get them to integrate that into all the programs.”

“I’ll make sure they all include their opinions on it in the teacher reviews at the end of the class. Hopefully there’s enough interest in it that I can approach Dr. J to suggest expanding it.”

Allie’s phone alarm went off, startling her. “Sorry, that’s my timer to head back to work. I only had a couple hours off to hang out.”

“No worries. I hope you have a good rest of your day.” Carla smiled and the two of them hugged before Allie stood on her toes to kiss me before departing. Carla turned back to me once Allie had disappeared through the doors. “Bonding looks good on you.”

My cheeks warmed. “Feels good, too.”

“Help me up so I can hug you.” Carla used my arm to hoist herself up, hugging me tightly. “I’m so happy for both of you.”

“Feels like a dream half the time.”

“I mean, you did bag a cute patoot, so that makes sense.” She lowered herself back down while I stood still to be her anchor. “I have good news!”

“I love good news. What’s going on?”

“You’re looking at a packed-up woman.” Carla grinned. “Iris is finally making honest alphas of us.”

“Oh shit, that’s awesome! That didn’t take nearly as long as it did for Javi and Rex to convince you to date them officially. You’re speeding up on the relationship timelines in your old age.”

“Fuck off,” Carla said with a laugh. “That was a totally different set of circumstances.”

“True enough. Hard to date when you’re a heat helper.”

“Exactly.” She nodded. “Things are good now with the tattoo shop, and Iris is almost done with her master’s. Feels like we’re actually settling into a great life together.”

“You deserve it.” I hesitated for a moment. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Absolutely. What’s up?”

I settled into the chair nearest to her. “I’m trying to be really cool about things, but Allie has a date this weekend, and…”

“Oh, she’s looking to pack up?”