The classroom erupted in questions, hands rising all over the place, half of them too impatient to wait and blurting out what they wanted to know. Apparently the Q&A session was going to be starting early.

I set my mug down hard on the desk, the sound snapping them all to attention. “Quiet down. You can all ask anything you like, but we’re going to do it in an orderly fashion. I also want to make it extremely clear to all of you that if there is ever a client you think about long after their heat is over, there is a possibility you could be ideal mates. That’s not a guarantee, some people just attach to others more readily, but if that is not your normal, please exercise caution if you are ever with that omega again.”

Allie joined me at the front of the class, sitting on the edge of my desk while they peppered us with questions, absolutely ravenous for information that no one else would be able to give them. I had done plenty of research since the bonding, and so had Dr. J. From the literature it seemed like ideal mates were popping up at a rate of one match per thousand, and while it felt small at a glance, it certainly wasn’t small enough to be brushed under the rug.

“Open and honest communication is an asset in this career, both with your partners and with your support network at the clinic. Speak up if you’re unsure about anything. Don’t let yourself be overconfident and risk the safety of yourself or your clients. This is not the place to feel superior.”

One student raised his hand, a cocky smirk on his mouth. “What happens if all the omegas fall in love with me? I’ve already got a lineup of them a mile long, so what am I supposed to do with the clients when they fall for me?”

“What’s your name?” Allie asked.

“Randy,” he replied, grinning back at her like he thought he was the best thing since sliced bread.

“Well, Randy.” Allie very pointedly looked him over from head to toe. “I honestly wouldn’t worry. I’m sure your personality will cure them of that in short order.”

I covered my laugh with a cough. “In any case, it’s illegal to date or be sexually involved with clients outside of your contracted time with them until two years have elapsed from your last contracted period.”

“What happens if I lose my boner?” someone asked.

“Toys, obviously,” Allie replied.

“Exactly,” I added. “It’s unlikely with all the hormones you’ll be exposed to, but the possibility is there. Toys are teammates during a heat. Don’t be afraid to discuss them with your clients.”

“What happens if I run out of juice?”

Allie wrinkled her nose. “What kind of juice are we talking about here?”

“Baby gravy.”

“One, ew, don’t ever call it that again. And, two, you’re not trying to knock up your clients so it doesn’t matter if you dry up that well.”

“Is it true omegas totally lose their marbles during heats? Like, how bad is it actually?”

“Okay, let’s try to keep things more professional,” I chided the class.

“Omegas lose total control during the heat haze. I don’t even remember it, and neither do any of my friends, so it’s a super vulnerable time.” Allie swung her feet side to side. “Honestly, it’s kind of scary sometimes, knowing there’s nothing you can do during that phase to keep yourself safe.”

My eyes narrowed as the scent of one of the students sharpened, arousal sinking into the air. I followed my nose and stopped in front of Randy. “Get out.”

He stared up at me. “What?”

“If you’re getting aroused over the idea of omegas not being able to remember their time with you, of them being afraid, then you have no place in this program.”

“Wha—? That’s not fair!”

“Yes, it is. You’re not a good candidate to be a heat helper and as of right now you’re no longer welcome here. Leave, or I’ll have to call security.”

He fumbled his notes as he hastily left the classroom and I turned back to the sea of eyes staring at me.

“Sorry about that. Omega safety is the most important thing I’ll ever stress for you. If I don’t feel like you can be trusted with them in their most vulnerable state, you will not be continuing. I know it might seem harsh, b?—”

“I get it,” one of the few female alphas told me. “I’d want the same consideration made for me if I were in the omega’s position. It’s kind of a relief you take it that seriously.”

The tension I’d been holding loosened. “I appreciate that. Feel free to continue with the Q&A.”

“The cuffs and collars only protect your throat and wrists,” she pointed out. “What about the scent glands on our thighs?”

“You’re right. Those are unprotected, and the reason is that most omegas are not going to be getting their mouth anywhere near those during a heat. Their first instinct is to go for the throat, and the vast majority of omegas are functioning exclusively on instinct. The heat haze is the most dangerous time for everyone, both because the hormones are the strongest, but also because you’re fucking exhausted and it’s difficult to think. Show of hands, how many of you have participated in a heat before?”