“Do you want me to go?” I asked instead.

“I want you to be sure about me. If going out with someone else will help you do that, I’ll be okay with that.”

“Quit being so reasonable. Can’t you go all alpha on me and demand I don’t go?”

“And what would it accomplish if I did that? I don’t want to fight with you and I don’t want you to be with me because you feel like you have to. I’ll be a choice you make for yourself and it won’t be because I ordered you to.”

“Okay, let’s get you some food,” Luna insisted, pushing me toward the table. “These aren’t decisions to be made on an empty stomach.”

The food was delicious, though it sat like lead in my belly. This whole thing really threw a kink in my life plans. I could’ve been perfectly content dating Sidney and doing things slowly, but nooo, we had to poof from being practically strangers to more than married. How was that fair? How was that not supposed to riddle a person with doubt for the rest of their lives? Was I making too big a deal of it? Maybe others would just thank the universe for their good fortune at giving them a chance to skip the dating game. It felt ridiculous to continue asking this of myself.

Sidney held my hand, but that only made me feel guilty. How was he so sure about me? Why couldn’t I be that confident?

“Do you want to text the brunch alpha?” Meg asked. “Might as well find out if that’s a possibility.”

My fingers felt stiff as I pulled the rumpled paper from my pocket and punched the number into my phone.



It’s the omega from brunch

Unsaved number:

Hey! Great to hear from you :)

Does this mean you’re interested in going out?


That entirely depends on if you have two friends for the lovely ladies who were with me

Unsaved number:

I could definitely wrangle up a pair of suitable candidates

We could do the same brunch spot next week? Or somewhere else sooner if you’d prefer?

I tossed the phone to Luna.

“I’d be fine with brunch,” she told me. She passed the phone along to Meg, who nodded and returned the phone to me.


Brunch is fine


Unsaved number:

10 it is

See you then, beautiful :)

I felt vaguely queasy as I laid the phone face down on the table.

“All booked?” Sidney asked.