“Holy shit!” Luna stared at me from the driver’s seat. “That man dropped almost seven grand on you without batting an eye.”

“I have secrets,” Meg said from the backseat.

Both of us swiveled toward her. “Spill,” I demanded.

“I asked him a bit ago about what his plans were for taking care of you, not that you specifically need to be taken care of, but you know.”

“Faster.” I bounced in my seat, turning to sit on my knees so I could look at her.

“He’s been hoping for you for a long time. He might say it was for any future omega, but I know for a fact he thought of you whenever he planned for the future.”

My stomach flipped over and I clung to the seat, my nails digging into the leather. That answered that question.

“I guess it makes sense with the whole thing of you being ideal mates. You were on about him all those years too, so I’m not surprised he was the same.” Meg smiled softly at me. “He has a lot more put away for you, so don’t feel bad about spending it where you need it, or just where you want it.”

“I don’t want to go out with the brunch alpha!” I blurted out.

“I don’t blame you.” Luna laughed and patted my shoulder. “I’m a little swayed myself after that display. It’s possible it was a show, but I know what shows look like, and all I saw the entire time was him mooning after you. No matter how much you added to that cart, he just seemed more enamored with you. I do have to say that this is not about him just spilling dollars all over you, though that’s nice. This is about a man who plans and a man who is happy to take care of you. I’m still going to keep my eye on him, but today was hella sweet.”

“I think so too,” Meg added.

I pressed my face to the leather seat and screamed. “This is too much feeling! Too much! I’m not equipped for this much emotion.”

Luna rubbed my back and Meg made soft shushing sounds until I was able to pry my face away from the leather.

“I know I said I wanted to know for sure, but what if I already do know? The more time I spend with him, the less and less I care about whether or not it’s the bond or him. I don’t know the answers. I don’t know what it’s all supposed to feel like.”

“Well, don’t look at us for answers for that,” Meg said with a laugh. “If you want to just settle in, that’s okay.”

“The anxious, spiteful part of myself wants me to go on that stupid date.”

Would it even work, though? I would go in with the wrong mindset and pick that guy apart. Maybe I wasn’t even capable of loving anyone else. That sounded so depressing.

“You could always set up a group date,” Meg offered. “See if your brunch alpha has a couple friends and we could go with you.”

“Do you think that would help?”

“At the very least, we’d be able to tell if your judgment is skewed about this,” replied Luna. “If he’s just as sweet and lovely as Sidney and you hate him, that’ll give you some info.”

I whimpered in my seat and spun back around, wrenching the seatbelt into place. “Okay, but I’m going to need some chocolate to console me after. Let’s get dinner. I want to set up my nest.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Luna booked it out of the parking lot and we picked up a huge order of Chinese food before roaring into Sidney’s driveway and tumbling out of the vehicle. He opened the door before I could get out the key he’d given me.

“We’re going on a group date,” I blurted out. I was not having a good time with words today.


Luna explained the logic to him.

He pursed his lips. “If you think that would make you feel better. Should I go out on a date too?”

A half second of a growl snuck out before I squeezed my lips together.

“You can say no,” he offered.

“It’s not fair if I say no.”

“I don’t care about that,” he replied. “If you don’t want me to go, I won’t go.”