“I wanted to do a good job.”

She slipped onto my lap and gave me a slow kiss, cradling my cheeks in her hands. “That’s because you’re a good boy, Sidney Marino.” Allie giggled when my cock tented beneath her. “That’s never going to get old.”

“As much as I’d like to take you apart, I do want to get through this lesson.”

“I’m still listening.”

“You’re distracting me.”

“You can do practice exams with the scent of a heat haze floating around you, but you can’t go through a lesson plan with your mate in your lap?”

“In all fairness, you do require a lot more attention.”

She puffed her cheeks up in a pout.

“I mean that with all the love in the world,” I assured her.

“Does it count as helping if I ask you to tell me about the shadowing?”

“Not immediately, but we can go over those notes.”

“How come more heats aren’t partnered?”

“Well, for one thing, that would be twice as expensive on our healthcare system, and we don’t have enough heat helpers to spare two for every omega. You’re still on call 24/7 when you’re with a partner; you’re just usually in a bit better physical condition at the end of things. Plus you should know yourself that even one alpha can be an intimidating experience.”

She trailed her fingers down my arms and rocked her hips slowly. “But what if an omega wanted to be a sexy sandwich filling?”

“There’s a few options for that. They could hire a second helper at their own expense, they could hire a heat helper to join if they have an existing partner, or they could specifically request a heat helper in training. Is this you not-so-subtly telling me that you want to be in the middle of an alpha sandwich?”

“I mean, I’ve thought about a time or two, but I’m plenty happy with you. My brain just likes to go on wild fantasy trips sometimes.”

Of course her saying that sent my brain on its own fantasy spiral. I had spent four years craving her on a molecular level so the idea of sharing her wasn’t top of my list, but I wouldn’t totally write it off if that was something she was interested in one day. I just wanted us to get a handle on our own relationship first. Still, I knew how sweet and delicious her surrender with me was; I could only imagine what she would be like with two people working to take her apart.

I made it through the first two lessons with her in my lap, focusing past the distraction of her scent and her wiggles, pausing every so often to add an extra note based on her input. I was nervous as hell about teaching, but I was equally certain that if I could get over that, I could do a great job. It wasn’t like I would be wrangling children. Everyone who had signed up wanted to be there and was going out of their way to take the additional certification.

“Do you need a teaching assistant, Professor Marino?” Allie asked.

“That’s actually not a bad idea. I can talk to Dr. J about it if you’re serious.”

“Of course I’m serious. You think I would pass up the opportunity to see you teach? Plus we could totally have, like, an Ask-an-Omega forum for all those burning questions people aren’t brave enough to ask out loud.” She looked adorably pleased by the idea.

“I like the way your mind works. I’d love to have you in class.”

As we worked through the rest of the syllabus with basic notes, I grew more and more impressed by the sharpness of her mind and her emotional intelligence, and I was glad all over again that I had asked for her opinion and that she had been happy to grant it. I knew she was smart. A person didn’t graduate university and get a job at the top architecture firm in the city without being intelligent, but it was so fascinating to see how she was so much more aware of the big picture than I realized, pointing out areas of improvement throughout the entirety of the course.

“I’m absolutely going to tell Dr. J how valuable you were with this. It all feels so much more rounded now.”

“I feel like most things in the world could be improved with an omega’s opinion.” She grinned up at me from where she had stretched across my lap. “And now, since it’s been six hours, I’m going to insist we take a break. You need to save your voice for class tomorrow, and I have much more fun uses for your mouth.”

I chuckled, gathering her up bridal style. “Is that so, kitten?”

“Mhmm.” She pressed a soft kiss to my mouth and looped her arms around my neck. “I can think of much better uses for my mouth too.”

“So everything is still good?” Luna asked. “You’re absolutely, one hundred percent certain?”

“Everything’s fabulous,” I promised. “Cross my heart and hope to die. He’s so sweet and smart, I feel like a whole-ass princess living with him.”

Luna had picked me up for a girls’ brunch with Meg before the three of us were going to meet Sidney later at Nest is Best. We sat around the table, drinking mimosas and eating French toast with berry compote and fresh whipped cream. The day was honestly perfect. A good meal with great friends would’ve been lovely enough, but I also got to start the morning getting eaten out until I was shaking.