“Okay.” Allie’s voice was hoarse and her pulse was visible at her throat.

“If you hop off, I’ll let Dr. James know we’re ready for the contract.”

The petulant expression on her face at my suggestion made me want to negate it immediately, but I couldn’t. I looped an arm around her waist to keep her steady when she wobbled like a newborn foal.

I used the phone in the room. “Dr. J, we’re ready for the contract.”

Allie zoned out against me until Dr. J arrived and laid out a small stack of forms. “Before we get started, I need to take a quick check to make sure your heat hormone levels are low enough you can legally sign a contract. Hold out your hand, please.”

Allie jumped when the doctor pricked her finger, squeezing out a tiny droplet of blood and sticking a strip up to it that turned a pale green.

“You’re a little high, but still in the safe range.” Dr. James slid the papers toward me. “We’ll get through this as quickly as we can. Have a read over the basics and then we’ll customize a bit.”

Allie squirmed with both of us watching her. I knew everything that was in the contracts. Timelines, care practices, risks, and liabilities were pretty standard across all the omega clinics. She didn’t strike much of anything off the list of sex acts, hesitating over each one like she was trying to decide if how she felt about it in the moment would be how she’d feel about it during her heat. A lot of omegas got more open during heats because they’d chase anything that gave them the satisfaction needed to push back the hormonal tide.

“Looks fine to me,” Allie eventually said.

“Condom allowances?” Dr. James asked.


I bit down on my chuckle at the indignant squawk of a question.

“For your heat. All of our staff are regularly tested, you haven’t had a sexual partner before, and I’ll be administering your birth control after you sign so they wouldn’t be strictly enforced. The additional skin contact can help with the heat. Both parties have to agree to whatever is chosen.”

Allie’s perfume went wild again, but Dr. J was a staunch professional and didn’t let it show on her face. I, on the other hand, had to imagine all manner of unsexy things to control my reaction to her perfume spike at the idea of no condoms.

“Without is fine,” Allie said, her voice strangled.

I nodded. “Agreed.”

I was going to feel every beautiful inch of this omega and I couldn’t wait.

She was red as a beet by the time we finished going through the entire contract. I put my signature down next to hers and Allie stared at Dr. James adding hers to seal the deal.

“Now you’re all mine.” I grinned.

That perfume of hers was going to ruin me.

God help us both.

Once Dr. J administered birth control to both of us and left us alone, Allie stared at me with those wide, beautiful eyes. “Now what?”

“Now I get to take you home. You’re too close to the start of your heat for anything else so we might as well get you settled.” I passed her a business card. “You can leave the information with your mother, and I have their info in the emergency contact form if we need it for some reason.”

Allie tucked the card into her pocket.

“Where’s your vehicle?” I asked. “I’ll walk you there.”

“I walked here.” Allie shrugged. “I’ll probably walk to your place, too. I’m too wigged out to drive right now.”

That wasn’t going to fly at all. There was no way in hell I was going to let her wander around in her current condition. My brow furrowed. “I don’t want you walking alone when you’re this close. It’s dangerous.”

Allie shivered.

I crooked my finger. “Come. I’ll drive you home to get your things.”
