“We can play with that if you want.”

Her eyes gleamed, excitement lighting them up. “How?”

“That entirely depends on if you’re an indoor or outdoor hunting kind of girl.”

“What would indoor be like?”

“I could set something up here. Make it halfway between hide and seek and tag.”

“Yes please.”

“All right, now or later?”


“I’ll step outside the house and give you five minutes to pick your hiding spot. Turn off all the lights. The only rule is that if I actually get close to you, you have to move to a new hiding spot when you feel it’s safe to do so. Sound fair?”

“What happens if you catch me?”

“Obviously I get to ravish you on the spot.”

Her perfume burst around us. “Hurry up so I can hide.”

I stole one extra kiss before climbing off the bed. I turned off lights and closed curtains on my way to slip out the front door to wait. When the timer went off, I stepped back in to complete silence.

I took a slow tour of the house, trying to catch her fresh scent, before realizing that every single room smelled like she had just come through, rolled herself across any available piece of furniture, and moved on.

My omega was crafty.

Using my nose to find her wouldn’t have been cheating, but it would have made things significantly easier. I stood still, absorbing the oppressive quiet and listening for her movements. With no hint, I started my tour of the house over again, checking behind the couch, under the bed, behind the curtains, but still she eluded me. All of my senses were primed, searching her out. The longer I looked for her in the dark, the more my primal alpha instincts rose to the surface. She was prey and mate, mine to find and claim and savor.

While I was checking the nursery, I heard the pitter-patter of footsteps, but by the time I stuck my head out, there was again no sign of her.

“Come out, little omega.”

I could’ve sworn I heard the hitch of a breath and moved closer to the second bedroom. While it was hard to tell, I was pretty sure her scent in this room was a bit stronger than elsewhere.

“That’s my girl. Tell me where you are.”

I whipped open one closet, then the other, finding both empty. I checked under the bed and behind the door, but she wasn’t there.

“Come on, omega. I know you want your alpha to find you.”

Apparently I needed to up my game if she was so good at avoiding being baited. It didn’t matter. I would find her before long.

I held my breath as I hid in the deep recesses of my closet, behind all the hanging clothes, my feet tucked behind boxes of shoes. I had the sleeve of a flannel stuffed into my mouth to keep myself quiet when he tried to coax me out of hiding. It was absolutely ridiculous how excited my body was for this little game. I knew he wasn’t literally hunting me, and that he had already claimed me, but my brain was buzzing and my pussy was on high alert.

He had gotten so close. The closet doors were still open. I strained my ears to hear when he had left the room and dared to tiptoe out of my hiding spot. His house was pretty new so thankfully the floor didn’t give me away with any creaks and groans as I dipped behind the door. I dared to peek into the hall and found it empty.

I crept on socked feet, my footsteps silent. I tiptoed into the kitchen and slipped inside the pantry, my heart cranked up to eleven, anticipating him appearing out of the darkness at any moment. I leaned against the pantry shelves, trying to breathe slowly and steadily so I didn’t give myself away. Part of me wanted to throw open the door and let him take me on the floor, but that would ruin the game.

Since I couldn’t let him attend to me, I would have to do it myself. Would it make things worse for me? Yes. Was I desperate enough to do it anyway? Also yes.

I slipped my fingertips into my panties. Things were a slip and slide down there, but that would only make what was to come easier. I pressed my lips together and gave my clit a tentative stroke, my eyes threatening to roll back in my head. Apparently a game of cat and mouse had every nerve ready to turn into fireworks. I kept one hand pressed over my mouth and went to town on myself. The threat of him opening the door and finding me like this just made it all more delicious.

The pantry door swinging open sent a cascade of fresh air into the confined space that was saturated with my arousal. He looked like some shadowy prince from the novels I liked to read.

“Found you, kitten.”