
Is your little buddy coming to work?


You really think I could leave this face at home alone?

Of course he’s coming to work


Can we bring him treats?

I referred the question to Sidney.


Sidney said you can get some freeze-dried chicken if you want


Hell yes

Let me poke my schedule and I’ll figure out a time to come over and meet the babies

“I’m going to be so popular at work tomorrow. Do you want to get lunch together?”

“I can absolutely pop over. Do you think if I bring Luna lunch too, she’ll like me sooner?”

I let out a laugh. “She’s very easy to bribe with treats.”

“Good to know. I’ll bring something for both of you then.”

“You keep making this so easy on me.”

Sidney twirled the ends of my hair around his finger. “Why would I make it difficult for you? I’m not going to make conflict where there’s none.”

“Maybe I’ve seen too many friends date terrible people. It seems like there’s always conflict.”

“Maybe ideal mates is about more than biology,” he said softly. “Or maybe there’s a biological component to compatible personality. Either way, I’m a pretty relaxed person for the most part.”

I rotated in his arms and snuggled tightly against him, holding Prince between us. “That’s good. At least one of us needs to be relaxed. Feels like you’re going to be a good influence on me in that regard, though. So much harder to be a high-strung gremlin when I get railed on the regular and get to huff that sweet, sweet alpha scent all night.”

Sidney laughed so hard that the jostling had Prince yipping with displeasure and trying to bite him through his shirt.

“I think Prince could do with some exercise. Why don’t you take him into the backyard and I’ll get started on dinner?”

“Twist my rubber arm.” I put Prince in a tiny harness and took him outside, where we played chase until we were both exhausted and I sprawled in the grass, petting his belly. “Princey, I’m pretty sure I hit the jackpot on life. What do you think?”

He kicked his tiny legs and rolled over to lick my fingers.

“I’m glad you agree.”

I wasn’t used to zero conflict. Even living with Mom had been an exercise in patience with plenty of difficulties. Heaven knew Luna had conflict in her life out the wazoo, and I was grateful to not be in that same situation, but it didn’t make my current one any less weird. I watched Sidney remove the grilled asparagus from the barbecue. How was he so perfect?

I supposed it made sense that he was the way he was, considering he had been a heat helper for so long. That seemed like a job that required a pretty even temperament and natural caring instincts.

I wanted to be a good mate for him. It felt strange to consider that I might already be that. Maybe I should poke at some therapy over the fact that my first assumption was that I wasn’t good enough for him. I sighed and gathered up Prince to get some dinner. That was a problem for tomorrow.