“Is something else bothering you?

“Between the bond and you being cute as hell with the puppies, it’s making me want babies even though I don’t actually want babies.”

He was quiet for a long moment, resting his cheek on my head and just holding me. “Do you want me to ask the rescue for a slightly older baby so you have something more robust to cuddle?”

“Do you think that would help?”

“Who knows,” he said. “I don’t think it will hurt, though.”

He emailed the rescue while he kept holding me, his scent soft and sweet in my nose, making me relaxed and complacent.

As luck would have it, the rescue had a four-week-old black-and-white pit bull ready to start socialization. They brought over baby Prince and I was instantly in love. Prince licked all over my face and wiggled so much in my arms I could barely hold him.

“How do you ever give them away?”

“You’ve seen me when I do. I cry.” Sidney laughed. “I comfort myself with the knowledge that they’re all getting homes and then I have plenty of room to help more babies.”

Prince licked up my nostril and I snorted, pushing his sweet face away. “You’re gonna have to peer pressure me hella hard when it’s time for Prince to go to his forever home.”

“I can do that.”

“Who’s a good boy? Who’s my sweetest, bestest, most precious angel son?” I kissed all over Prince’s forehead. “It’s you! You’re my sweetest, bestest, most precious angel son.”

I leaned into Sidney’s embrace and flip-flopped Prince’s ears with my hands, wiggling his face while he tried to bite my fingers. I had emailed my boss as soon as we knew Prince was coming over and I already had permission to bring him to the office as long as I got all of my work done. I had assured him I would, though I wasn’t entirely confident.

“Do you think you’ll ever get a permanent puppy?” I asked.

“One day. I thought it would be cute to get my own puppy when I had kids so I could watch them all grow up together.”

The mental image was too cute not to love, and I immediately burst into tears again. I supposed it made sense since we would have to get up at all hours for a baby; we might as well combo it with a puppy since we were already going to be sleep-deprived.

“I figure at a certain point I’ll get tired of every-two-hour feedings,” Sidney added.

“I feel like you designed your whole life around not getting enough sleep. Between all the heat helping and the puppy fostering, it’s a wonder you ever stayed conscious.”

Sidney laughed, stroking a hand down Prince’s back. “You’re not wrong. If I were a beta, I never would’ve made it. Might as well use that alpha resiliency for something.”

“That’s fair.”

I snapped pictures of Prince and sent them to Meg and Luna.


Look at our new foster baby!


I’m going to assume this is an invitation to come over and love on him


OMG baby!


You’re both absolutely welcome to come over and love on my temporary son

We have a bunch that look like jelly beans right now but they’re too tiny for visitors quite yet