Peace settled into my bones and I traced her cheek with my thumb. “I do like it, kitten.” I kissed her fiercely. “I do.”

Allie looked happy as a clam surrounded by her friends and family at her birthday dinner. She had invited my family as well, a sweet gesture considering she didn’t know them very well but still wanted them to be included, though Luca was feeling under the weather and wasn’t able to attend.

We worked our way through a seemingly endless round of appetizers, and Allie opened her gifts, her smile bright and her birthday crown sparkling. I was still learning her, but she seemed happy with the emerald stud earrings I’d bought for her. I’d been torn on getting her birthstone or something red, but there would be plenty of time to fill out her jewelry collection. Nicky, to no one’s surprise, got her a stack of books, and my parents had given her a jewelry box with her name engraved on the lid.

My phone buzzed with a text and I discreetly checked the message.

Toe Beans Rescue:

SOS - emergency foster placement needed

Litter of three mixed breeds, two days old, healthy condition. No mother.

Seeking placement tonight. Shelter is at capacity. No local volunteers are available.

“Puppies?” Allie asked, peering over my shoulder. “I didn’t mean to snoop. Your face got super serious and I was worried. Are you gonna go get them?”

“I’m not going to leave my mate’s birthday.”

“The hell you’re not. Let’s go together right now.”

“Allie, we really don’t have to.”

“How far away is the shelter?”

“An hour.”

“And what time do they close?”

I sighed. “An hour.”

“Well, then, we don’t really have a choice, do we?” She tapped her fork on her glass, drawing everyone’s attention. “I just wanted to thank all of you for celebrating my birthday with me. Sidney and I are going to have to scoot out early because there’s a litter of tiny baby puppies desperately needing a foster home. I promise I’ll send pictures to everyone once we have them, but the shelter closes really soon so we can’t stay any later unfortunately.”

“Girl, go,” Luna insisted. “I’ve got your portion covered anyway. Keep us posted.”

I still couldn’t quite believe what had happened as Allie was tugging me toward the door.

I typed back a hasty note to the rescue.


Sidney Marino en route for pickup and fostering

ETA one hour

Allie was bouncing in her seat as we pulled out of the parking lot.

“You really didn’t have to give up your party for this. There probably would’ve been someone else to handle it.”

“But I want us to be the ones to handle it. I want the whole foster baby experience. I’ll do anything you need to help, but those babies need us, and I am more than happy to cut my birthday short.”

She really was the sweetest. Ideal mates might only be proven for biological compatibility, but I had to admit it had pretty good taste in picking me a mate who would toss aside her plans to make life better for some motherless pups.

“Do we get to name them?”

“We do. That’s the foster’s privilege. I do have to warn you, though, not all fosters go smoothly and sometimes being a foster parent is completely heartbreaking. We’re lucky this litter doesn’t have any known health concerns, but that’s definitely not the case with all of them.”

“All those babies deserve love, for however long they’re going to be around. Will I sob like a baby if we ever lose one? Absolutely yes, but I hope I’m the kind of person who can focus on the big picture and keep going to help more babies. But don’t make me think about it too hard right now; otherwise I’ll cry.” She blinked rapidly, staring up at the ceiling of the car.