“Keep this here. You’ll come as often as you need to until I’m done.” My voice came out a low growl as I fought for control. She felt far too incredible and looked too perfect spread open for me.

Allie placed one trembling hand onto the vibrator. Once she was settled, I returned my hold on her ankle and fucked into her in earnest. The sensation of gliding inside her was almost on par with the satisfaction of forcing a dark, guttural sound from her throat.

Each stroke was heaven. Sweet, hot, glistening heaven where her body welcomed me over and over again. Any attempts at silence vanished as she made her enjoyment known with overlapping gasps, whimpers, and moans. Coherence fell away. My growl rumbled in my chest, a sound that she responded to with gleaming eyes as her omega instincts slid to the forefront.

I held steady as she came, breathing while she pulsed around me.

“Jesus Christ.” I held tight to her ankles.

As soon as the pulsing began to slow, I began again. The craving for her overwhelmed me, and I flexed my muscles, burying myself to the hilt as the vibrator tipped her over the edge once more.

Sweat prickled my skin, and the sound of her coming undone filled my senses.

“Oh, God. Sidney.” Allie’s squirming renewed. “Please, it’s too much.”

I wouldn’t last through another wave. “One more, kitten. You can handle it.”

She whimpered and nodded, dropping her head back to the mattress.

“Good girl,” I growled. I renewed my pace, allowing myself to relax and let the coiling pressure build.

This time when her muscles seized, I let go. She pulled me over the edge with her.

A myriad of curses fell from my lips as my vision turned black in the peak of the pleasure. My lungs burned. Her body eased in increments, and, with it, my own body slowly returned to normal. I released her ankles and sank down on top of her, hovering on my forearms to keep from crushing her.

“I think my legs are made of jelly now.” Allie laughed and ran her fingers through my sweaty hair. The vibrator lay discarded to the side, turned off, and I reached down to slide the plug out of her as well.

Her kiss caught me by surprise when I sprawled out next to her. I matched her eagerness despite the exhaustion creeping in, rolling over to bring her on top of me.

“Did you have fun?” she asked.

“Mhmm.” I nodded and nipped her lip. “You?”

“So much fun I’m not going to be able to look my neighbors in the eye.”

“Luckily, I have no neighbors to overhear anything.”

Her gaze turned soft, and she traced my cheek with her fingertips. “My lease is for a year.”

“Sublet,” I said before I could consider otherwise. I kept going so my brain couldn’t catch up with my words. “I know we said go slow so I wouldn’t ask you to get rid of your place, but I’m saying it anyway. I want you to stay.”

She kissed me with a fiery intensity that warmed me down to my toes. “You’re not saying that because we had incredible sex?”

“It might have turned my inhibitions off a little, but the sentiment is real,” I promised. “I like you. More than I’ve liked anyone else, and I swear it’s not just because we’re bonded or ideal mates or whatever. You were adorably perfect from the moment I met you, and now that I’ve found you again, I want to keep you.”

“I know that logically a lot of this is because we’re bonded, but I want you to keep me. Really, really badly.”

“Okay,” I said softly, threading my fingers into her hair and pressing a kiss to her lips. “So we keep each other, for as long as that makes us both happy.”

“Was that your nefarious plan?” she asked, eyes glinting with mischief. “Give me orgasms until my brain turned off and I’d realize how much I never wanted this to end?”

“I wouldn’t say nefarious.” I grinned and kissed her again. “That’s just a fortunate byproduct.”

Allie snorted and collapsed against me giggling. “You’re such a dork.”

“Excuse you. I’m your dork.”

She laughed again. “Of course. You’re my everything whether you like it or not.”