“Morning, handsome.” She passed over a steaming cup prepared how I liked, in the same manner as every morning over the past not-quite-two weeks.

“Good morning.” I stole a sip before leaning in to kiss her. “Pancakes okay for breakfast?”

“Music to my ears.” She beamed and settled down on the edge of the bed while I got dressed.

It was a rhythm we’d worked out since bonding. After my run and our coffees, I made breakfast while she fed the pups and packed our work lunches. Evenings were shared meals followed by movies, cuddles, or sex depending on the mood. It was…bliss, for lack of a better word. Aside from her inexplicable disdain for olives and constantly missing the hamper with at least one sock, there was nothing I’d noticed that caused even the vaguest irritation. The more time I spent with her, the more I wanted to spend. She sank into my bones, slotting herself into the empty spaces of my life I hadn’t realized were bare.

I turned around with the plated pancakes and found the kitchen empty. “Where’d you go?” I called out.

“With the babies!” Her answer came from the nursery. I set down the plates and wandered over to see Allie curled up on the floor, covered in puppies.

“Getting in some cuddles before their new parents get here?”

“I can’t believe they’re old enough to be adopted. They’re still babies.”

“They’re going to be fine in their new homes,” I said, squatting down next to her.

“I hate that my apartment limits dogs by size.” Allie sighed. “These floofs have paws too big to risk.”

I smiled to myself as she cupped Ludwig’s face in her hands and kissed his forehead.

“You have to be so good for your new parents because I’m bummed I’m not your new mom.”

Ludwig wriggled and licked her face.

“Be brave, my almost son.” She snorted when his tongue went up her nose, and I couldn’t help laughing.

“The upside of the pups getting families is that we can start having sleepovers at your place, too.”

“Oh,” she said. “That’s true. I hadn’t thought of that. Though my apartment is going to feel small and sad after chilling at your house.”

“Maybe, but it’s yours. If you decide you don’t want it when your lease is up, we can figure out a plan, but might as well use it while you have it, right?”

“Okay, but we have to save the really freaky stuff for your place because my neighbors are going to hate me otherwise.”

I laughed and sat down, pulling her and Ludwig onto my lap. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.”

The doorbell rang and Allie let out a small sound of distress. “The puppy thieves are here.”

“Puppy parents,” I reminded her. “Scooch off.”

She did so, reluctantly, and I went to answer the door. A couple stood waiting with another handful of people coming up the walkway.

“Welcome, come on inside, and I’ll get each of you your new family members.”

Adoption day was always bittersweet for me. I tried not to get too attached to the animals I raised but always failed. For now, I put on a happy face.

I fetched each pup in turn and presented them to their new family, relieved and gratified at how excited everyone seemed to be. When they’d all gone, the house felt oppressively quiet. Allie snuck her arms around my waist and nestled against me. Soft fingers wiped away the wetness on my cheeks.

“You did good,” she said. “All those babies have homes because of you.”

I nodded, still silent. My heart broke each time even though it was good and important for the fosters to move on to forever homes so I could help more.

“You wanna drown your sorrows in some cuddles and ice cream?”

I smiled despite myself.

“We could go over to my place so you don’t have to see the empty nursery tonight.” Allie squeezed me tightly. “I’ll even distract you with orgasms later.”