“I’ve never tried to hurt anyone on purpose, and I think you’re right about the second half of that. I can feel myself falling, but I know I need to give it time and not let a fresh bond answer for me. When I tell Allie that I love her, I want it to be with a clear head and a certainty I would say yes in any circumstance. She deserves that much.”

Meg laughed quietly. “I’m glad to know that all of her gushing about you wasn’t an exaggeration. You really are just like that. You’re lucky to have found each other.”

We rounded another corner, more than halfway back to the house now.

“Do you have any questions you think I could answer?”

“What would you do to make her happy if you were in my position?”

The brunette alpha looked wistful. “Sometimes I wish it would’ve been that easy.”

“Meg…are you in love with Allie?”

She shrugged. “I think I have been ever since we met, but I’ve always known she’s not for me. I’m plenty happy being her friend.”

“Have the two of you ever…?”

“No. We’ve kissed before, and we’re affectionate, but I’ve known since you first came into the picture that she wouldn’t hesitate for a chance with you and I could never set myself up for heartbreak like that. I love her in multiple ways, but more than that, I love her enough to support you loving her.”

I ruminated on her words as we rounded the final corner. “You never thought about forming a pack with her?”

“She’s never expressed any interest in pack life. I don’t know that I would have an interest in it either. I think I appreciate quiet too much to contemplate multiple partners.”

“Allie doesn’t really seem like the quiet sort.”

Meg grinned at me. “She’s definitely not. Another reason why we’re better friends than life partners.” We paused one house down from my home. “Thank you for walking with me. I feel a lot better about leaving her in your hands.”

“I’ll take that compliment. You’re welcome over anytime. My house is her house.”

“Thank you. I’ll keep that in mind. We should get back inside before they think I’ve kidnapped you.”

“They loved you.” I curled up next to Sidney on the couch after everyone went home.

“You think so?”

“Well, my mom is over the moon, Meg whispered to me that you were great, and Luna was chill by the end of the night, so I can only assume.”

Mom had been up my butt to finally bring someone home for a couple years already. Showing up with someone who had a successful and steady job, looked like he was straight out of a magazine, and came with a permanent commitment was like all her dreams come true. Meg had seemed happy with him, and I knew Luna would continue to warm up the more he proved he was good for me.

“I’m nervous to meet your family now.”

“They’ll be easy. I think, anyway. I told them I was bringing you, but I didn’t tell them yet that we were mated.”

“Why not?” I asked, sprawling backward across his lap so he could cradle me and I could see his face better.

“I can tell them if you want me to. I just thought it might be less pressure this way.”

“But what if they don’t like me?”

Sidney booped me on the nose. “Then they’ll get over it. You’re my bondmate, and they’ll love you or they’re going to see me a lot less. Being kind to you is not an option.”

Affection swirled through the bond. I tugged him down for a kiss and rotated so I could straddle him, pressing us chest to chest. “Do you really think we can make this work?”

“I think the odds are stacked in our favor. If we both want it to work, I’d say we’ve got a good shot.”

I kissed him softly, cradling his cheeks in my hands. “I want it to work.”

His hands on my back pressed me closer. “Me too. I want to get along with your friends, for them to like me.”