Contrary to Luna, Mama Carmichael seemed confused why we weren’t immediately moving in together. “That seems like such a strange way to start your lives together. I want my baby taken care of.”

“Mom, I can take care of myself.”

“I know you can, but now you have an alpha.”

“I’m happy to take care of Allie however she wants me to, and to step back where she’d rather be in charge,” I told them. Allie had already been living on her own, and thriving that way from what I understood. If she needed support, I would give it, but I had no interest in taking away her independence. Sure, it would be cheaper and easier to immediately live together, but that wasn’t the goal here.

We had to let our relationship grow organically. The bond would help, but I didn’t want to rely on it. If we were going to make a successful go of things, I wanted to know and love everything about her. I wanted to understand when and how to support her.

I had most things figured out, but having her there when I got home, and watching her play with the puppies, falling asleep to the sound of her breathing, was better than I expected. I had what money I needed, and I had a system in place to care for my home and the fosters. I didn’t need Allie for any of that, but I certainly wanted her to be there.

It would take some practice and some rearranging of both of our lives, but I was eager for both, knowing that she would be there at the start and end of each day. Maybe she wouldn’t want that once the bond relaxed. I didn’t like the thought that she would want to spend days and nights away from me. I wasn’t in any place to judge, though, I had to acknowledge the bond was calmed by us spending time together, and that was influencing my brain.

Halfway through dinner I dragged her chair to sit directly next to mine so our arms and legs could touch. Mama Carmichael grinned at us, while Luna stared intensely, her scrutiny freezing me. I made a mental note to never piss her off.

“Walk with me,” Meg demanded after we had all finished eating, her only request of the night. I followed her outside.

“Is this a shovel talk?” I asked as we turned down the sidewalk.

“Do you need one?” she asked quietly.


“Then it’s not. Do you regret the bonding?”

Ah. This was a more personal grilling session. I could manage that.

“I would have preferred it be more choice-based, but even if we weren’t bonded, I’d want to date her. I basically haven’t stopped thinking about her since we met, and I’m happy to take things slow, but I think she’s what I want.”

“Do you love her?”

“I don’t know her well enough yet, but I know I like her, have liked her for a long time, and I’ll take care of her. I’ve known since the first time I met her that she would be easy to love, and that hasn’t changed.”

Meg nodded, lacing her fingers together. “Luna and I love her a lot, and you’re very right about that being easy. She’s a good girl with a big heart.”

“Why didn’t you ask me this during the all-Sidney-barbecue?”

“Some things are better asked in private.” She sighed softly. “To be clear, we don’t think you’re bad or dangerous. Luna’s protective by nature, and so am I, though she’s a lot more vocal about it. As long as we see Allie happy, you have nothing to worry about. Is there anything we can do to support you?”

“Not off the top of my head. I want Allie and me to be happy, to give us a real chance.”

Meg looped her arm with mine, and I let her, the two of us rounding the corner. “She’s talked about you for years. You made quite the impression.”

“I did?” I knew she’d thought about me, but telling her friends another thing entirely.

“Absolutely. I heard all about you after you two shared that heat, listened to her cry when you weren’t available for the next one. The universe is tricky, but I’m glad it brought the two of you back together even if it was heavy-handed about it.”

“Do you really think I can make her happy?”

“Of course you can. She’s been half in love with you for four years. She’s scared, but there’s a light in her eyes I haven’t seen since the first time she met you. I’m glad you’re a kind person. I would hate to have to put strychnine in your tea.”

She said it so casually that I stopped dead in the middle of the sidewalk.

“Don’t worry,” she continued, pulling me along. “I wouldn’t do something like that unless you deliberately hurt her.”

“I thought you said this wasn’t a shovel talk.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be, but I had to make sure. I don’t think you would hurt her on purpose, and with the way that you look at her, I don’t think it will take very long for you to answer yes to being in love with her.”