I was taut as a bowstring when Sidney rejoined me and we went back downstairs.

I plopped down on the couch and he diverted to the mini-fridge, glancing over to me. “Juice?”

“Uh, sure.”

He tossed me a fruit punch juice box and sat down on the leather couch.

I needed to chill out a bit and could only remember one thing about him that might help with that. “So...puppies?”

Sidney’s face lit up and he pulled out his phone. “Yes! This was one of my last fosters.”

He turned the screen, revealing a blue-eyed puffball that made my heart explode.

“His name is Brutus. He was part of the Roman senator litter of Australian shepherd mixes.”

Sweet merciful god. I am so doomed.

“Senators?” I squeaked out.

He grinned and flipped to another photo of five equally precious pups. “Brutus on the left, then Cicero, Tiberius, Augustus, and Julia.”

I let out a whine. “How many of them live with you?”

“None now. Brutus was the last to get adopted, and he went home three days ago.”

“Unfair. I’d have gone home with you just to pet them.”

Sidney laughed. “I’ll take in another litter when I can but certainly not immediately if I’m taking care of you for the next while.”

“How many puppies have you fostered?”


“Holy shit.” I imagined his beautiful face, laughing, the rest of him covered in puppies that yipped happily. It was too bad he didn’t still have a house full of floofs so I could de-stress myself being buried by them.

“I’ve been doing it for a while now, plus a few came in big litters.”

I latched on to another thing I was curious about, morbidly so. “How many heats have you shared?”


I swallowed hard. There was no way I could compete with anyone else. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing. I had at least seventeen people to compete against in my brain now. Who knew how many there had been outside of his work? He probably had people lined up down the street for a piece of him. This was probably my only chance to be with someone this pretty.

“What’s it like?”

He was contemplative for a moment before propping his elbow on the couch, letting his temple rest against his hand. “Exquisite. Omegas in heat are perfect in a way I can’t quite describe.”

I nodded breathlessly, squirming. “Do you actually want to share my heat? Like, is the idea of it palatable besides the fact that you’re getting paid?”

I held my breath as he looked me up and down with a focus that made me tingle.

“Of course. You’re a gorgeous woman. If you’d approached me outside of all this, I probably wouldn’t say no, though I might take more than a couple of hours to get to know you before taking you home.”


Deep breaths.

The very hot man said he’d have been open to sleeping with you outside of this situation. What do I do with this information?