I took the bed towel and cloth to the laundry. When I returned without the strap-on, Sidney tugged at the restraints.

“You’re cute tied up. If you were still hard, I’d climb on top and ride you into the mattress.”

He stretched luxuriously. “My mouth is rideable.”

“You’re so correct.”

I grinned and undid his cuffs before setting a knee down on either side of his face. One eager hand grabbed his hair, and his hands found my waist to pull me down and lick over my clit.

I ground against his mouth, filling the room with a deep and impatient melody of moans as I braced myself against the headboard, giving me additional purchase to ride him.

His tongue dipped inside me and back up to flick my clit, suckling the sensitive bud until I was writhing above him.

“Sidney,” I gasped out. My fingers tightened in his hair. I bucked against his mouth, seeking that gratifying friction I needed, and Sidney let me take my pleasure from him.

He slid his hands up my back in a smooth motion to gather up my long hair around his fist. I let out a groan as Sidney tugged, and I fucked his face with a growing ferocity.

The dam burst.

There was no chance for him to react as I rocked against his mouth, driving down as I came. My wetness slipped down his cheeks and coated his chin. I slowed in increments, gentling my pace and flopping over next to him, breathless.

“I almost pulled a muscle at the end there,” I said with a laugh. “Don’t let me skip leg day anymore.”

He rolled over and snared me close. “Fucking me can count as a workout.”

“I accept this.”

Sidney curled around me, inhaling deeply. “You smell so good. Now you can never leave.” He held me tighter and buried his face against my throat as I laughed and squirmed in his grasp.

“Nooo, my freedom!”

He rolled on top of me, squishing me into the mattress. “Oh nooo, you’re trapped. A tragedy. We’ll have to stay in bed forever.”

“You’re such a dork.” I giggled, relaxing beneath him.

Sidney kissed my cheek. “Want to have a bath before bed?”

“With bubbles?”

“Do you think I’d let you have a bath without bubbles? Where would the fun be in that? I’m pretty sure I have some bath bombs around here too if you would prefer that.”

“Hell yes to both options.”

“All right, you rest. It’ll only take me a minute.” Sidney hopped off the bed and got the bathwater running while he rummaged through the cupboards for the bath bombs. I picked out a pretty rose and gold sparkly one and moved to the bathroom so I could watch it froth in the water.

I quickly stripped out of my clothes, beaming at my impending bubble bath. “I’m going to get so spoiled staying here.”

“Eh, I wouldn’t say going beyond the bare minimum is spoiling. You deserve nice things, and I intend to give them to you.”

I locked my hands behind his neck and pulled him down for a lingering kiss that I felt down into my toes. “I’m going to have to up my ‘nice things’ game.”

Sidney scooped me up by the back of my thighs and held me close. “I won’t be complaining about that. Hop in the bath, and I’ll join you.”

He stepped back to give me space and let me sink into the fragrant water. Once I was settled, he followed me in, getting comfortable in the Jacuzzi tub and pulling me to lean against his chest.

“I haven’t taken advantage of this nearly as much as I should.”

“Really?” I traced my fingertips along his arm. “I’d be in this thing every night.”