I hadn’t told her about the bonding, only that I’d spent the whole weekend with Sidney. Nervously, I pulled my hair out of the way so she could see the bond mark on my throat.

Her eyes went wide, her usually sweet scent twisting to burnt lemons before she shrieked, “WHAT?!”


“I will not shush! How did you get bonded? You just had a heat a few months ago!”

I pressed my hand to her lips. “I don’t super understand it. The doctor said we’re ideal mates, and I guess it can trigger a mini heat to force a bond between compatible partners. Neither of us were prepared for it.”

“So, what does this mean? What happens now?”

“We’re still figuring that out.”

“You’re absolutely sure he didn’t do this on purpose? Maybe he used some witchcraft to snap you up!”

I knew she didn’t mean anything by it. Luna had been let down by a lot of people in her life and didn’t have much trust for men.

“He didn’t know what happened either,” I promised. “We’re both in this same weird-ass boat.”

Luna huffed. “Okay. I’ll stow my shovel for now. He’d better treat you like an absolute queen. I don’t want an ounce of slacking off just because you two are bonded.”

“I’m not worried about queen treatment. I already know he’s fully capable of it. Do you want to meet him?”

“Of course I want to meet him. He needs to pass the best friend inspection. Meg and I can grill him together.”

“Why do I sense a session of good cop/bad cop coming?” I laughed. Luna was feisty, but Meg was sneaky. Between the two of them they could probably get answers to anything they could think of.

“Because you know us too well.” Luna beamed. “Now when do I get to meet him?”

We hadn’t discussed any of that yet. He had briefly mentioned a Sunday dinner with his family, but I knew that Luna would be too impatient to wait that long now that she knew about him.

“We can set up dinner this week?”

“Somewhere private,” Luna replied. “I need to be able to grill without worrying about eavesdroppers. We can order takeout so no one has to cook.”

“I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t mind, but I’m cool with takeout. I promise he’s super nice, but I definitely don’t know a lot about him.”

“Don’t you worry. Once Meg and I are done with him, you’ll know everything you could ever want to know.”

I filled Luna in on the details of the weekend before going back to my office. Around lunch, my phone buzzed.


Are we hanging out tonight?


You bet your sweet ass :P


Want me to help you unpack?

The strangest sensation of confusion and queasiness filled my stomach at his question. He wanted me to unpack my place? Shouldn’t people who were bonded live together? It seemed totally practical to continue things as if we had just started dating, but we were as good as married now. I had barely unpacked my apartment so it was the perfect time to do something if we were going to, but maybe he didn’t want to live with me. Maybe he was trying to let me down easy.

I typed out several messages and deleted them, unsure what to say. I didn’t know my own feelings on the matter, so it was hard for me to figure out what his might be. On one hand, it was a relief that he didn’t expect me to give up my apartment, but on the other hand, it felt like a rejection. The responsible adult thing to do would be to have a conversation about it.
