
I’m sorryyyyyyyyyyy

In my defense I WAS fucked into a stupor

And my phone died

But I have a charger now



Mission was a success!!

Date went well then?


Still on it



Okay I’ll leave you to it!

I assuaged Luna’s worries while Sidney made me breakfast, my phone plugged into the wall to get enough juice to get me through the day.

Once I was fueled up on the bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast with jam, we headed over to the omega clinic. We were ushered straight in when we arrived, and only sat a minute in the exam room before the doctor joined us.

Dr. James froze, looking back and forth between the two of us. “You have bondbites?”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“You didn’t know?” Dr. James pulled out a hand mirror from one of the drawers and passed it to me. “You’ve both got a bondbite on your throat.”

I snatched the mirror out of her hands and stared, aghast, at my neck. “We can’t be bonded. This is our first date!”

“Okay, one moment. I’ll run a quick test to see if the bond has taken.” She bustled around, taking a few quick samples and disappearing to process them. When she returned, her expression was tight. “I wish I could change my answer, but the bond is fresh and solid. You’ve got the marks and unless you got them from other people…”

“Oh god. My mom is going to lose it.” I dropped the mirror into my lap and buried my face in my hands. I couldn’t be bonded. That was bigger than a wedding. Sure, I had been fantasizing about Sidney for the last few years, but that didn’t mean I was ready for him to be my mate. “Can we undo it? It’s recent; does that help?”

Sidney watched me panic and turned to the doctor. “I know the answer, but I’m asking anyway. It’s permanent, isn’t it?”

“I’m afraid so.” Dr. James sat down across from us and opened up her laptop. “I’m sorry to rush you after that realization, but we should figure out what the situation is.”

“It’s weird is what it is,” I snapped, my panic getting the better of me.

“I’ve input everything that Sidney already told me.” She looked over to me. “It definitely smells like you’re near a heat, which, by our records, shouldn’t be happening for at least six more months.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought, too.” I groaned. “Stupid body.”

“It’s out of the ordinary, for sure. I did some research last night so that I could be prepared for you this morning. I’m going to venture a guess and say that the two of you are ideal mates. It would explain the prolonged focus after your initial connection and your rut symptoms, Sidney.”

I listened as well as I was able, but the doctor’s words were fading into the background.