We stepped out into the morning light, three puppy leashes each, sipping coffee as we walked side by side. I’d never had anyone take on puppy care with me before. They were a draw when it came to cuteness and cuddles, but I’d always done the actual work alone.

Allie hummed while we walked, one arm looped through mine, the other holding her coffee with the leashes around her wrist. The pups trotted along, happily sniffing. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so relaxed with another person.

We reached her place about fifteen minutes later, and I took over the pups while she washed up, packed herself some essentials, and watered the lone plant she’d bought since moving in. I surveyed the plethora of unpacked boxes and simple furniture.

“I could help you unpack sometime if you want,” I offered.

She beamed at me as she re-emerged. “Normally I’d say no, but I hate unpacking, so that would be fab if you actually want to.”

“For sure, we’ll figure out some time that coordinates with work schedules and puppy naps.”

Allie bent down to pet them all, setting aside the bag slung over her shoulder. Johann got so excited over the attention he peed right in her entryway.

“Oh, baby, is life too exciting?” She laughed.

“I’ll clean it if you watch them,” I offered.

“I’ve got it.” She hopped off to get paper towels.

I wasn’t certain why I found her mopping up puppy pee while cooing at the offender so endearing.

With the cleanup done, we headed back to my place.

The general populace was stirring by that time, though no one bothered us. Only the singing birds and the happy scampering of puppies broke the morning silence.

The pups were slowing down by the time we got home again. I carted two in my arms who had sat down and refused to continue.

“This has been the cutest morning-after in my whole life,” she said, giggling as she leaned down to scoop up one of her group that had been falling behind.

I tried not to think of the others. She was free to be with whoever she wanted, but it did still pick at me to know it hadn’t been with me, even though I had removed myself as an option.

“I can agree with that. Definitely my cutest one, too.”


Proof of life check!


Girl, it’s been 6 hours you’d better be fucked into a stupor and not dead




If I don’t hear from you soon I’m going to show up at his place with a shovel





About fucking TIME