“Not even a little bit. I would run for cardio. I don’t care about adding cake to my waistline.” She patted her belly.

I leaned down and nipped her stomach before she could react. Allie shrieked with laughter and shoved my face away.

“You can’t bite me there, you weirdo. I’m ticklish.”

Funny how I hadn’t discovered that when we’d been together last time. I snared her waist and pulled her to lie on top of me. “Quit being adorable.”

“Nope. It’s impossible.” She buried her face against my neck. “I have to be cute at all times, or I’ll fade from existence.”

“We can’t have that.” I cupped her ass and inched my fingers upward, dancing up her ribs, and dangerously close to her stomach.

“Don’t you fucking dare, Sidney Marino.” She laughed and squirmed. “I will bite you.”

“That’s not a deterrent,” I said. “But I won’t.”

She threaded her fingers into my hair and gave my scalp a thorough rubdown. “That’s a good boy.”

Warmth flooded my chest and an involuntary squeak left my mouth.

Allie stared down at me. “What was that?”


“Sidney.” She leaned in, her face hovering an inch from mine. “Do you like being called a good boy?”

“I’m…not sure. You’re the first one to ever call me that.”

Allie sat up, straddling my hips. “Considering all the things you’ve called me, I think it’s only fair that we have some kind of pet name that makes you weak. I need to level the playing field.”

I snorted. “We don’t need a pet name. You make me weak.”

“Awwww.” She patted my chest. “You’re the cutest sap.”

“I was being serious.”

She cupped my cheeks and kissed me softly. “You can be serious and the cutest at the same time.”

I let myself indulge in her, let her nearness settle some deep and ancient part of myself I rarely acknowledged. My alpha instincts wanted her so badly, and the rest of me wasn’t far behind.

“I don’t want either of us in public until we know what’s going on. How about some coffee on the deck?”

“No one’s going to be out this early,” she said. “What if we took the pups for a tiny walk?”

“Okay. A very short one,” I agreed. “I’ll put the coffee on and get their breakfast.”

Allie nodded and climbed off me, flopping onto her side and immediately closing her eyes. I left the room smiling and went about my morning business. When the pups were fed and harnessed, I carried a to-go cup of coffee into the bedroom for her.

She hadn’t moved an inch.

I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You can keep sleeping if you want to.”

“No,” she mumbled. “I’ll come.”

Allie rose and located her undergarments, pants, and shirt, pulling them on in turn.

“Could we stop by my place for fresh clothes? I’m a few streets over.”

“Yeah, that should be short enough for the puppies.”