“How long have you been retired from heat helping?”

“About six months,” he replied.

“What made you stop?”

“Heat helping is…taxing. I couldn’t keep up anymore. Not that I couldn’t with a single heat, but they were having to space the jobs further and further apart to accommodate my recovery time. I’m almost thirty, and, as much as I didn’t want to admit it, it wasn’t something I could keep doing.”

“Thirty is hardly old,” I defended.

“It’s not, but when you’re essentially running a weeklong marathon to take care of an omega in heat, it’s more than my body could continue managing. Older clients weren’t too difficult since their heats had calmed down, but the younger ones with erratic needs and endless supplies of energy were…a lot.”

“Ones like me, you mean?” I didn’t love that I had contributed to ending his career, but from the sounds of it, it was a sooner rather than later sort of situation.

“Yes. You caught me at a good time in my career. A solid forty-eight hours running on next to nothing except for the hormones flooding my system isn’t uncommon with the first few years of heats. If you needed me at that level in the last year or two, I would’ve disappointed you.”

Like hell he would have. “I don’t think it’s possible for you to disappoint me.”

Sidney let out a sharp laugh. “That’s because you don’t remember the heat haze. Trust me when I say that level of ravenousness would not have been sated by my energy levels after almost a decade on the job.”

“I mean, it makes sense. I guess I never thought about the decline.”

“I always compare heat helper careers to professional athletes,” Sidney said. “At a certain point you’ve got to step back, or the risk-to-reward ratio starts getting too skewed.”

“I’ll let you rest then. Can I be on top?” I winked. “I’ve gotten much better at that since last time. Lie there and let me ride you into delirium.”

Sidney’s muscles tensed. “I have no opposition to that.”

“I didn’t think you would.” I snickered.

“I’m more than willing to let you have your fun.”

“But?” I prompted.

“But I’m still intending to make you beg too.”

“I don’t mind taking turns.” I stuck my tongue out at him. “God, how fucking surreal is my life right now? If you’d told me yesterday I’d be eating dinner with you and getting my hands on that sweet, sweet alpha dick I would have thought I was dreaming.”

Sidney burst out laughing. “You’re ridiculous.”

He traced each of my fingers in turn, swirling circles in my palm before pressing a soft kiss to the scent gland at my wrist. My breath stuttered, and he inhaled deeply, pulling me closer.

Sidney slid his hands down my back and I trembled. I never wanted him to stop touching me. His cock twitched to life beneath me, and I let out a little giggle. His lips curved, and he patted my butt, which made me giggle more.

Too cute.

“I think I should take you to the bedroom.”

I leaned close, brushing his ear with my lips. “Take me anywhere you like.”

I scooped her up and carted her to my room, dropping her onto the bed, peeling off her shirt, and savoring the sight of her breasts wrapped in black lace before I removed that too.

“Who gave you permission to be this beautiful?”

“The same people who gave you permission to be this fucking hot,” she said with a satisfied grin.

“Oh, no one gave me permission. I’m breaking several international laws looking like I do.”

“Hmm, I guess we’ll both have to be punished, then.” She bit her lip and drew me closer.