He turned his head and nudged my face until I looked at him. We indulged in the sweetness of each other’s mouths and he devoured every mewl I made. My fingers were nowhere near as good as his touch, but I needed him, and for me to get him, I needed him to break.

“Please,” he whispered.


A purr rumbled in my chest as I sank down and fastened my lips around him once more, sucking until the tension burst.

Power soaked into my bones. His grip on me trembled, like he was holding back from forcing me down, but if he was going to be gentlemanly about it, then I was going to have my fun. I bobbed my head, taking him straight from pleasure and into overstimulation. He writhed beneath me until he finally pulled me away and onto his lap.

I was so ridiculously pleased with myself that I started purring.

“Did you have fun?” He laughed.

“Maybe.” I wiggled, eager to continue our play. “I might have thought about this a few times.”

“Is that so? Did you think about anything else?” He squeezed my ass.

“Are you kidding me? I don’t think I had another spare thought in my head that didn’t include you for ages after that heat. Every time I learned something new, I’d wish I’d known it then so I could’ve given back a fraction of what you made me feel.”

His scent dampened. “It’s probably better we didn’t get to meet up again.”

“It doesn’t feel better.”

Sidney laughed softly. “If we had, then this right now would get me into a lot of trouble.”

I tilted my head in question, my dark hair falling like a curtain. “Why?”

“It’s both illegal and very against clinic policy for us to get involved with clients. There has to be at least two years separating any hiring before we’re even allowed to consider seeing a client outside those circumstances.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair.” I pouted. “They go out of their way to make sure the pairings are compatible so of course that’s going to come up sometimes.”

“That’s true but it’s why the rule is in place. People in heat are not super rational, and it takes time for everything to fade. It’s to protect everyone involved. Some alphas might abuse their power if they had a particularly vulnerable omega attached to them.”

I absorbed what he said and snuggled in, tucking my forehead against the curve of his throat. “Was I a particularly vulnerable omega?”

He trailed soothing fingers up and down my spine. “You were, yes.”

“What am I now?”

“Now you’re a grown woman who knows what she wants. I’m no longer a heat helper, and you haven’t been a client of mine for more than enough time. If I was worried about there being an issue, I would have sidestepped on meeting with you. Although, I’m not certain my instincts are all that correct.”

What the hell did that mean? He didn’t immediately offer an explanation, so I asked.

“Well,” he began, “you’re not the only one who thought about our time together a lot longer than would be considered appropriate.”

My purr roared. “You thought about me?”

“I might have.” Sidney cupped my cheek. “Damn near ruined me each time you requested me and I couldn’t have you.”

I swallowed hard. “I’d hoped I was memorable, but I never dared to dream.”

“I don’t think it’s possible for anyone to forget you after they’ve had you.”

All of my longing tumbled through me. He wanted me. I wanted to keep him, to soothe the ragged edges he had left behind with his absence, and fill up the space in my heart that no one else could make themselves fit into.

“You could refresh your memory, if you want to,” I said softly.

“I am more than happy to.”