
Want to come over and meet them?

We could do dinner at my place instead of going out

Please say yes.



Sign me the fuck UP

I’ll be there at 7 to be buried in floofs

I sent over my address and wandered into the kitchen to see what I could make for us tonight. It might have been slightly hubristic to invite her over for dinner when I had returned from the store with nothing but dog food. As I dug through my fridge and pantry, an idea struck me. I put on some music, took a couple steaks out to thaw, and got to work making a chocolate cake.

I messaged Carla too, nervous for some reassurance I wasn’t going to fuck things up.


You’ll never guess who I have a date with tonight


Better save us both time and tell me if I’ll never guess :P


Do you remember Allison Carmichael?

The newbie omega client I had a few years ago



The little panic muffin you had the hardcore crush on for ages???

I cringed at the reminder of how obvious I’d been about the situation back then.


Yeah, that’s her

It’s going to be fine right??

I’m not making the worst decision in history?


I mean there are definitely worse ones you could be making

She hasn’t been your client for forever so you’re free to date her if you want

She’s presumably not in heat either so you can’t lose your cool and bond her on a run-of-the-mill date

I say give it a go