I didn’t want to go, but I still wanted to know what the plan was. He peeled off all of the layers of the nest and flicked on the air purifier, taking an armload of blankets into his laundry room. With the bed stripped down to the mattress and fresh bedding applied, it didn’t smell like either of us when I threw myself onto it, bundling myself under the stack of fresh blankets to wait. The shower turned on, and I listened to the stream, uncertain as to what was coming. I watched from a gap in my blankets as Sidney entered the room stark naked, his hair still dripping from the shower. He fished a blindfold out of the trunk and peeled open my blankets, handing it to me.

“Put this on.”

I obeyed and stretched out on top of the blankets. Goosebumps decorated my skin. The prominent scent of him I’d grown accustomed to was muted, washed away for the moment. Firm hands wrapped around each of my ankles and tugged me closer. They slid up my calves, the pressure and speed fluctuating until I was shivering. Then the hands disappeared altogether.


“Shh. It’s not me right now. Think of me as anyone, as a future partner, someone who’s going to touch you one day.”

I furrowed my brow, but nodded slowly, trying to relax. His thumb brushed over the thatch of hair at the crux of my thighs, and I squeaked. His touch didn’t linger, lasting only long enough to tease my senses before moving on, digging into my hips, palms gliding against my stomach, dancing fingertips tweaking my nipples. Then the order changed again, bits of me touched at random; wrist, throat, navel, breast, thigh, a foxtrot of dextrous fingertips driving me to distraction. Every touch startled me, a little jolt of adrenaline blending with the euphoria of the sensation. Those wicked fingers dove back between my thighs, and he groaned.

“God, you’re so fucking wet.”

It was different from the heat high and the copious slick that had flowed from me. This was entirely me responding to him. Relief settled in at knowing I was capable of it.

I squirmed desperately. “Please.”

He didn’t set about to satisfy me, though, instead returning to his teasing, now adding his mouth. He nipped along my ribs, suckling at my breast while he dug his hands into my skin, pinning me down. Those fingers trailed over my throat, wrapping firmly enough to still me. The rapid hum of my heart beat beneath his other hand. He pulled away again, leaving me untethered in my temporary blindness.

His cock teased the lips between my thighs, sliding through the wetness, but never giving me what I craved. I whimpered, all semblance of pride vanished as he continued to glide over my clit, stopping every so often to press against my entrance until I was shaking beneath him. But still, he left me unsatisfied, switching between tantalizing me with hands, mouth, and cock.

He put his hand back between my thighs, sliding the tip of one finger in to the first knuckle, and I whimpered again. I tried to rock against it, to coax it deeper, but he withdrew when I did.

“Please,” I whined. “I need it.”

Whether out of pity or indulgence, he returned his hand, sliding the single digit in all the way. I squeezed around it. He withdrew, retracing the path with a second finger added. I moaned and arched off the bed, panting as he pumped them at a maddeningly slow pace. He rotated them, testing the resistance, adding a third, letting them stretch me open further as I gasped and clung to the sheets.

Sidney lifted each of my legs in turn, instructing me to grab behind my knees. I obeyed and shuddered with the new angle.

“Fuck.” I groaned, the word coming again, flowing in a chant off my lips. “Fuckfuckfuck. God, don’t stop.”

Incomprehensible sounds spilled out of me as he picked up speed, fingers thrusting into me, the pressure building as each movement battered my G spot. Every impact sent a ripple of sensation through me from head to toe, my sounds growing more desperate the harder he moved inside me until it all burst. I screamed, body convulsing, and I clung to my knees trying to ride out the wave of ecstasy. My throat was raw by the time it faded and I slumped, exhausted.

Sidney slid his fingers free and rolled me over. He climbed into the bed, draping himself over me. I wiggled limp legs open, hoping he would tease me again. His cock was thick and straining against my ass, settled in the groove between my cheeks. My lungs burned and I continued to pull in ragged breaths, face pressed to the sheets. He inched lower and teased my entrance, gliding halfway in before snapping his hips forward. I squeaked at the sudden impact of our bodies, of the delicious stretch and friction of his cock burying inside me. He withdrew again, thrust back with the same precision and force, and the surprise gave way to deep pleasure.

I bit the sheets, muffling the sounds that were forced out of me each time he drove into me. I wanted to touch my clit, but I was pressed down by the weight of him, unable to do anything but receive every bit of depraved pleasure. I whined, dizzy from breathing too hard, body quaking as it struggled to process.

“Harder,” I moaned. It seemed impossible, given how sharp his movements already were, but the next snap of his hips shoved a guttural yelp past my lips. “Oh god. Oh, fuck.”

His mouth found my throat and brushed over my scent gland. He drove into me once more, teeth clamping down. My vision flared white, and the cry I let out was nearly inhuman as he pressed deeper into me, warmth blooming inside. He stayed there, buried in me, tongue lapping at the bruise he’d bitten into my throat. Every bit of me felt like I was under a lead blanket, unable to move.

“Jesus fucking Christ on a cracker.” I laughed, and it turned into a moan as he growled in my ear.

When he slid his cock free, it was a loss felt down to the marrow of my bones. I kept still, nowhere near ready to attempt moving. He lay next to me, pulling the blankets over us.

I woke sometime later. A soreness lingered between my thighs like a phantom to remind me of what he’d felt like. I pulled off the blindfold, squinting into the low light. A pearlescent sky glowed softly on the other side of the closed curtains, but I couldn’t tell if it was dawn or dusk.

Sidney moved against me, drawing my attention back to him. I luxuriated in the sound of his breathing, the little groan when he stretched, and the way his arms tightened around me.

I still thought real life was highly overrated compared to this but had to remind myself again that real life would return whether I wanted it to or not.

“Come shower with me,” Sidney murmured against my skin.

I rolled off the bed and stood on wobbly legs, clinging to him as we walked down the hall. We shared the shower bench this time, taking turns soaping and rinsing the other, washing and conditioning one another’s hair, drying each other afterward. We shared a meal and settled back onto the couch.

He sighed, relaxing under me. “You’re going to be a dream for someone. I’m only sorry it can’t be me.”

I wasn’t sure what to say in response. We hadn’t triggered a heat spike, which meant I was well and truly done with my heat. Tomorrow I’d go home, and that would be that.