I nodded helplessly. I wasn’t actually ready, but I was too far gone to turn back now.

The lid on the bottle of lube popped again, and he picked up the rainbow dildo I’d selected. More lube dropped between my cheeks, and he swirled the dildo like he had with the plugs, pressing the tip to my entrance. I arched my back and wiggled against it, craving that depth, only half-coherent.

“Please,” I whined. The edges of my awareness blurred with encroaching warmth, heat surging through my body.

The dildo sank in, inch by gloriously torturous inch, and I rocked back against it, the slight sting as I stretched dulled instantly by the growing heat. He pulled my hips back against him, cock nudging my pussy, and I thrust back against him.


I rocked desperately, and he braced a hand against me, but if it was to keep me still, he was not successful. The glide of the toy sliding out had me whining, afraid it was going away too quickly, but then he pushed it back in and every sound froze in my throat. He grabbed on to my harness instead, and when he yanked back on it, I was met with the combined friction of cock and toy, the pressure flinging me straight off the edge of an orgasm as I screamed wordlessly into the sheets.

More sensation than I could handle struck me like a tsunami, and each dip and swell of the coming waves had me scarcely able to breathe past them as he thrust into me with body and toy. I reached a shaking hand beneath my uplifted hips and brushed a tentative finger against my clit. Pleasure lanced up my spine, all three points combining to toss me up and over another crest, and I fell, half-drowned in those waves, even as I continued to touch and he moved with a strength and finesse I didn’t possess.

My body gave out somewhere among the pleasure, held up only by Sidney’s grip on the harness. He let out a gasp, a groan muffled by grinding teeth as his hips thrust forward once more, his knot swelling to trap us together. My vision flared white as the orgasm sizzled through me. I lost track of how many times I came, and as the heat fell away I became aware of the rawness of my throat and the disappearance of some of the pressure as he slid the toy free and set it aside with the plugs. The huff and puff of our breathing filled the space. He pulled us both over, curling up with his face buried against my neck.

It felt like centuries before I was able to form words. “I need to sleep for a decade.”

“Mhmm,” he murmured against my skin. “I could go for that. A bath would be nice too.”

“Carry me.”

“There’s no way I can carry you while we’re stuck together.” He sighed and kissed my hair. Every time I shifted, it sent little ripples through me, which obviously meant I had to wiggle continuously until he snared an arm around my hips and growled in my ear. “You’re making it extremely difficult for me to come out of this state.”

“Stay in it then.”

Whatever response he’d planned dissolved when I squeezed around him. “God, I’m going to be stuck to you forever apparently.”

“If I could stop doing it, I would.”

He nipped at my scent gland and I gripped the sheets, reached around, my fingers seeking out the scent glands on his throat, and giving them a firm press when I found them. He relaxed against me with a groan.

“Feel better?”

“Shh, we’re cuddling. Sleep time.”

I didn’t have the energy to argue, so I didn’t, instead succumbing to the exhaustion that pulled me under.

Allie was too perfect. Somehow she managed to be sweet and joyful, curious and eager, despite her nerves. I had been gifted the rarest treasure to see her open up to me the way she had. It was going to be like cutting off a limb when it was time to part ways with her, but I had no choice. There was no world in which I would get to keep her, and even if I could, it didn’t seem fair. Allie deserved the opportunity to be with others if she wanted. Just because I was at a phase in my life where it felt somewhat natural to settle down, didn’t mean I could expect it of her.

Even if we did want to make the attempt to be together, two years stood between us and a potential start date, and that meant I couldn’t share any other heats with her until then, couldn’t spend time alone with her. Entertaining the idea would only hurt. They made it difficult for a reason. For all I knew, once she had stepped away from the intimacy of our situation, she could forget me entirely.

It would be easier for both of us if I could forget her too.

I slipped out of the nest and got a bath running for her, sprinkling in salts and bubble bath to add luxury. It had been almost a full day since her last spike, and though we’d had plenty of playtime in those hours, I knew what it meant. Her heat was almost over and I had to get ready to say goodbye. The very fact that I didn’t want to was reason enough to do so sooner rather than later.

She called my name when she woke and I gathered up my sleepy omega and deposited her into the hot water. I took a few moments before joining her in the bath to strip off some of the especially soiled layers of the nest, put them into the washer, and clean up the used toys scattered around.

There was a soft energy about us today as we lounged in the hot water, steam wafting in delicate tendrils around us. Allie snuggled onto my lap, content as a kitten to simply be touching me.

I traced gentle fingers over her arm. “Have fun?”

“Maybe.” She hummed contentedly, settling more comfortably, her fingertips tapping a slow rhythm against my skin. Was she nervous? She only seemed to do that when she was thinking too much.

“That was your first heat spike in about twenty-four hours, so you’re almost done.”

Allie grumbled and somehow managed to snuggle closer. “I don’t want to be done. I want to stay here and do nothing but eat, sleep, fuck, and cuddle forever.”

I laughed too hard, jostling her until she made an irritated sound in the back of her throat. “You’d miss real life eventually,” I told her. “Besides, you get to indulge in this every year.”