“The same way we all have to eventually.” I stroked her hair gently. “You’ll have other heats. At some point, you’ll likely have a partner outside of them, and you can spend every day like this if you want to.”

The primal part of my brain was pissed right off at the very idea of her having another partner, but I shoved it down. She wasn’t for me.

“Could I have you for my next one?” she asked.

I hesitated a moment. It probably wouldn’t be good for either of us to make this a habit. She was like a sun I had made the mistake of staring into and I knew I was going to have trouble seeing anything else after she was gone. That was bad for a multitude of reasons. I wanted to share another heat with her, wanted to see how much she would grow from one to the next, so I didn’t discourage her as much as I should have.

“It’s possible. Depends when it happens, but I’d be happy to do this again.”

“You’re not worried that I’ll fall hopelessly in love with you?”

She said it lightly, but I felt the weight behind it.

It was definitely something we had to worry about from a legal standpoint, which was why heat helpers weren’t allowed to date clients until they had stopped seeing them for two years. Catching feelings when you shared intense experiences like this wasn’t unusual, which was why we had to mitigate it with policy and procedures. Lots of omegas got crushes on heat helpers, and I fully understood it, but it did make things difficult. Besides, it wasn’t exactly her I was worried about. I had to set down a firm boundary for both of us.

“Well, I don’t know that it would matter even if you did. My job is really important to me and not a lot of people would be comfortable with me continuing it while in a relationship, my clients included.”


“You don’t think you’d have a problem with me sleeping with multiple other omegas? Having them in my home or having to leave you at a moment’s notice because someone’s heat started? Potentially having to miss your own heats because I was already helping someone else?”

I would never actually miss my own omega’s heat if I had one, I could plan ahead, but the rest of it remained true.

Allie bristled and stiffened in my arms.

“See? Omegas and alphas get possessive. We can’t help it. It would be hard for me to do my job if I were in any kind of committed relationship.”

There were definitely heat helpers who managed it, but I wasn’t one of them.

“I guess that’s fair.” Allie tucked closer, nosing my scent gland and inhaling deeply. “I’ll just enjoy you while I have you.”

“A wise choice.” I twirled her hair around my fingertips. “Someday I won’t be able to keep up, and I’ll have to transition to nursing only, but I’m really proud of what I do and I want to help as many omegas as I can before I’m forced out of it.”

I wasn’t sure how many years I had left to do this. Most athletes retired by thirty, and heat helpers were no different. Sometimes they skirted around it for a few more years by taking fewer and fewer clients over time, but the pool was always replenished to keep it a successful service.

“You should be proud.” Allie traced patterns on my chest, staying quiet for another few moments. “I’ve been dreading this since I found out I was an omega, and you made it way better than I ever imagined.”

My purr kicked on. “I’m glad.”

Allie wriggled around to press her ear against my chest, her scent softening as the purr lulled her into a half-awake state.

I had been hoping that this was a good experience for her. I brought a lot to the table between my training and my natural alpha inclinations. I knew I was good at sex, but just as important to omegas was being attentive, showing care and compassion, keeping them fed and clean and comfortable. Showing her I could do all of those things was the only way I could prove she could relax while she was so vulnerable.

“How do we know when the heat is actually over?” she asked.

“You’ll have a full twenty-four hours without it kicking in. That’s usually its safe range. We’ll hang out for a couple of days after to be sure.”

She hummed quietly, her fingers tapping out my heartbeat. “I like hanging out with you.”

My purr only got louder. “Is that so?”

“Mhmm. You have excellent taste in movies and you let me eat dessert first.”

I laughed, wrapping my arms more securely around her. “I try my best.”

“What are you going to do with me after the heat is over? I can’t promise to be entertaining.” She was back to tracing patterns on my skin, a nervous habit she seemed to have developed.

“You’ve been pretty entertaining so far,” I assured her.