“God, yes. I’d even be happy if you took me out back and turned the hose on me.”

I laughed at the image her words brought to my head. I highly doubted she would take a hose gracefully when the water was cold. “I need a shower, too, so I’m going to stick to hot water for now.”

I helped her stand and we walked gingerly together to the bathroom. I was still in charge of taking care of her so I took the lead, settling her on the shower bench while I got the hot water going. I made sure that she barely had to move as I gently soaked her down, shampooed and conditioned her hair, dried her off afterward, and blow-dried her hair while I combed it out in long, smooth strokes.

She hummed happily as I applied moisturizer to her. “This is heaven.”

Allie looked so sweetly happy with the attention that it nearly blocked out how heavy my body felt while I cared for her.

“I aim to please.” I dug my fingers into her tense muscles and they relaxed under my hands. I let my scent flow and Allie melted. After I had attended to every inch of her, I slipped away into the kitchen while she tucked herself back into the nest. I fed her more chocolate cake and some warmed-up lasagna that she ate with ravenous excitement. I inhaled as many calories for myself as I could and then forced some of the rehydration drinks from the heat service onto her. Once I was reasonably certain I had crammed as much as I could into her to help her body recover for the next phase, I let myself sink into sleep.

I woke squirming, the edges of my awareness igniting. I rolled my hips against him with a whimper and gasped his name. “Sidney.”

He was there instantly, gathering me in, pressing me to my back inside the nest. Our bodies slipped together without resistance, and I arched with a moan, able to appreciate the sensation properly for the first time since my heat kicked in.

The steady rhythm and the heat hormones had me shaking, each thrust shoving me up the sharp crest of pleasure and spilling over it. The expanse of skin pressed to me was still a sweet relief from the sharp heat even as it warmed me and made me sweat from the exertion. My fingers dug into his ass cheeks, demanding more, and he accommodated, eliciting a sharp gasp from me as he drove our bodies together and flung me straight over the edge of orgasm again. There wasn’t time to breathe before the next started to build.

The weight of his body and strength in his muscles was an intoxicating combination. I’d never felt quite so malleable before, like I was ready to take anything someone could give me. My nails dug into him as I shuddered, gasping his name. He growled in my ear and bucked forward once, twice, thrice, and then I felt the bloom of warmth inside me as he came. He sank against me, his lips brushing over my scent gland.

The scorching edge of the heat had receded, and I lay content, heart pounding, beneath him.

“I’m super annoyed that I missed out on two days of this.”

He laughed against my skin. “I’m just glad you’re past it. The rest of the heat is much more fun.”

Sidney slid away from me and sat up. He disappeared into the bathroom to bring back a warm washcloth to wipe up between my thighs.

“What now?”

“Mostly we wait for your heat to rise again. You can do whatever you want in the meantime. Although I always recommend getting as much rest as possible and eating as much as you can during the downtime.”

“What if I wanted to have sex again before the next heat wave starts?”

He let out a laugh. “I’m good, but I’m not working on an infinite supply of energy. You’re like marathon training.”

“I was going to say you’ll be so fit after all this, but you’re already smokin’ hot.”

He broke into a delighted snicker. “It’s been very fun to see you open up with all of this. Why don’t you use this time to think about what you want to do with the next wave. There’s certainly plenty of options.”

“Like what?”

“Hmm. Well—” He pulled open the trunk in the bottom of his closet. “—you’re welcome to any of these.”

I climbed off the bed and kneeled, naked, before it. “Holy shit.”

I stared wide-eyed at the leather implements.

“You can touch them. There’s no pressure to use anything in particular. Check out anything you’re curious about.”

I reached for a mass of straps and buckles. “What’s this one?”

“Harness. Want to try it on?”

I swallowed hard and nodded.

He crooked his finger and I inched toward him, handing over the harness. “Arms out to the side, please.”

I obeyed, feeling exposed, but not minding as much as I’d expected. He laid the straps over my shoulders and brought the cross-pieces under each breast, securing them with a buckle that came down around my back. The metal was cold against my skin, setting goosebumps dancing over me.