Having his permission didn’t help one bit. I remained frozen, trying to deal with my rational mind telling me this was stupid and my omega side demanding I do it. Citrus and clove filled my senses, sending a tingle billowing through me that prompted me into motion.

“You did that on purpose.” I pouted.

“Yep, I did.” He slipped further into the room, fishing several pieces of metallic mesh out of the bedside table, and fastened it around his throat and wrists.

I glanced up from my gathering. “What’s that?”

“An alpha collar and cuffs so we don’t accidentally bond during all this.”

“Shouldn’t I have one of those too?”

He dipped toward me, mouth grazing over my throat. “Nope. You get to enjoy everything without anything in the way.”

I stood, shivering in his grasp, until he finally stepped back and let me continue on. With my nerves still vibrating from the attention, I turned to my task. Item by item I filled in the space between the mattress and the frame, creating a circle of scent around the bed. I plucked out the stuffed bear my mother had forced on me and added it in, but it still wasn’t enough. I made a small sound of distress and slipped past him, dragging the blankets we’d used off the couch. I climbed straight into the bed with them draped over me, content as hell with my nest.

“This is so dumb. Why do we do this?”

“It creates a sense of safety being surrounded by the scent of your partner. It’s a way for omegas to mitigate stress.”

“Can you come in here, please?”

“Of course.”

He climbed under with me, and his citrus and clove filled the space and settled deep into my bones. It was a cocoon of contentment. I tried not to think about it too hard and simply let myself enjoy his proximity. Every breath was heavily laced with his scent. I never wanted to move again.

I drifted, lulled to sleep, surrounded by warmth.

I woke in the dark and peeked outside my nest to see the faint light of dawn bathing the room. I climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Sidney, and trotted to the bathroom. Slick had soaked through my panties and pajama pants while I’d slept. Entirely too sweaty and gross for my liking, I stripped off my pajamas and stepped into the shower for a quick twirl to remove the worst of it, rinsing off my clothes as well and wringing them out before dropping them to the floor so I could dry myself off.

Refreshed, I gathered everything up and scampered back down the hall. A torrent of heat raced up my spine, spreading outwards. It was blisteringly hot, every nerve alive and on fire. I stopped short in the door frame and braced myself, dropping my clothing, and falling to my knees. A sob tore from my throat as I curled around myself, desperately seeking some way to reduce the building tension. I grabbed at my skin, nails raking as if it would somehow diminish the sensation. My fingers dove between my thighs, slipping into my slick-soaked cunt where the heat was most intense, desperate to banish it with the frantic thrusts.

The relief was too minimal, the heat too all-consuming, and I cried out, a scream that melted into a series of pained whimpers. Pressure against the back of my head guided me, moving my face until I was inhaling sweet citrus and clove in frenetic gulps of air. It blunted the sharpest edge of the pain, but it wasn’t enough.

“I’ve got you.” A voice reached through the haze. “Hold on to me.”

I tried to obey, but there was no sense in my mind. I writhed, and insistent hands tugged me upright. I sobbed, begging for it all to stop, for the heat to burn itself out. The scent grew to overwhelming proportions, citrus and clove muddling my thoughts further as a warm weight pressed me into the bed. I could scarcely breathe from the pressure, but then there was friction between my thighs, and I thrust my hips wildly.

Each movement pushed back the haze a microscopic amount, but that slightest bit of relief was all I needed to prompt me. I moved with a mindless urgency, clinging to the weight above me, hips bucking, craving. Every orgasm temporarily overwhelmed the burning, throwing me over the peak of pleasure before I crashed down into the heat again, whipping back and forth between the two until I could no longer tell one from the other.

The weight kept moving, the pressure and friction between my thighs unrelenting.

It was never enough.

She was a feral little thing in my arms, absolutely inconsolable as the heat swallowed her whole. The heat haze was my least favorite part of the whole experience. Most omegas didn’t remember it at all, but alphas did, unless they were bonded and in rut. The entire thing pushed us to the very edge of our limits, demanding a level of physicality we would never expect even from the best athletes, requiring so much control and tenacity to get our partners safely to the other side. It was easy to see the allure of packs. When multiple people could share the load, it wasn’t quite so overwhelming, but all my clinic omegas had was me and I’d be damned if I was ever going to fail them.

Later we could indulge, but for now this was a matter of survival. The only thing that would reduce her pain was the flood of hormones that came from release. Luckily omegas were designed to come easily and often to compensate.

Allie whined my name heartbreakingly, begging me to stop the burn. I did what I could. I kept as much skin contact between us as possible, let my scent overwhelm the space, both signals to her primal brain that she was being taken care of and it didn’t need to panic.

She shattered on my cock on repeat, breaking apart and reforming over and over again, but the haze still held her under.

It was only the cuffs and collar at my wrists and throat that stopped her from taking a bonding bite out of me. Blocking the completion of a bond was a necessity, but I could lay my claiming bites into her skin and help reduce the haze without the risk of us being stuck together forever.

Ginger coated my pallet as I sank my teeth against her wrist. Every claiming bite took her apart, and I needed all of my willpower to stop myself from knotting her. It was too early. Those would get her out of a spike later, but it would make my life difficult if I gave in during the haze.

Being around omegas in their preheat started a bodily process to store away a hefty supply of hormones and energy we would need to get through the heat, and holy fuck did I make use of it.

Every bit of pleasure she gave me was tinged with an edge of pain from the effort it took to keep up. As much as my muscles and joints ached from tending to her, the scent that exploded out of her was a heady painkiller, soothing and encouraging me to keep going. I couldn’t tell the passage of time except for the shift of dark and light at the edges of my curtains.