“What?!” Allie shoved away from Meg, but I caught her by the wrist and pushed her into the chair next to Nicky, starting up my fanning again.

We had definitely not intended to tell her about the videographer since there was nothing we could do at the last minute. Everyone we had reached out to was unavailable to cover the event.

“We’re breathing, remember?” I said. “Inhale the good vibes. Exhale the urge to strangle any of the bridal party.”

Allie snorted. “No strangling urges. I just wanted cute videos of the wedding.” Her expression was far too sad for her wedding day.

“We’re getting everyone to take videos on their phones and send them to me,” said Meg. “I can edit them into a cute wedding montage.”

Bless Meg. She was good at diffusing situations. It wasn’t one of my natural skills. If you needed someone to escalate shit, I was your girl.

“The important thing,” declared Nicky, “is that you look gorgeous as fuck and my brother is going to simply pass away when he sees you.”

Nicky was right. Allie did look impressively gorgeous in the white satin gown that fit her like she was a movie star in the golden age of Hollywood.

“He’d better not.” Allie laughed, her smile returning. “He’s stuck with me forever, so there will be no passing away from how cute I look.”

A knock at the door stole our attention, and I scampered to answer it, annoyed with myself when I was disappointed it wasn’t Luca on the other side. The staffer who had settled us in the suite earlier had returned to let us know everything was ready to start. “The officiant is all set up, guests are seated, and the musician is going ham on that Pachelbel song. We’re ready to start your entrances in fifteen minutes.”

“I guess that’s my cue to head back to the boys.” Nicky rose out of her chair and kissed Allie’s cheek. “You’re going to do fine. I’ll see you at the other end of the aisle.”

With Nicky gone to see her brothers, Meg and I made sure Allie was sheer perfection before we joined them as well.

Luca met me with a bright smile and offered his arm to me again. “Hey there, partner. Ready to walk down the aisle with me?”

Pure sunshine in physical form tucked her arm in mine, and together we faced the doors that would lead us down the aisle. Meg and Nicky went ahead of us, red gowns swishing as they moved.

The heat of Luna’s hand soaked through my sleeve, the sweetness of her mango lemonade scent barely stronger than the bouquet she clutched. I’d grown attuned to it after the past few months of wedding planning, and now I could pick it out with an embarrassing level of ease whenever she was nearby.

Classical music filled the air from the pianist behind the altar, and I listened carefully for our cue. I made my steps smaller to accommodate for Luna’s shorter stride as we began to walk, and I stole glances at the beautiful omega by my side. It was impossible to not notice all the shades of gold threading through her hair, or her ocean blue eyes I wanted to drown in, or those perfect rose petal lips I’d thought about kissing more times than I could count.

We parted ways, and I took my place next to my brother, the entire congregation rising to watch the bride join us. I had no idea how an accidental bonding had managed to pair up the most perfect match ever. We had all been surprised when Sidney had rolled up with Allie, explaining that their brains had basically gone feral, and they were permanently bonded to each other.

And now they were getting married. They were choosing each other on purpose. There was something so uniquely beautiful about that and about how they had both always seemed so sure about each other.

I wanted to know what that felt like.

My own dating prospects weren’t exactly what you’d call abundant. For years now, I’d been trying to work up the courage to move out. I wasn’t afraid to leave, but I was definitely worried about how my mom would react. Not to mention, I did so much work around the neighborhood that even the thought of moving away from it and having to stop all of that had guilt sitting like a lead ball in my stomach. Most people weren’t too excited to get involved with someone that still lived with their parents at my age and had no real reason to do so. I made enough money from work to afford my own place, I was perfectly able to take care of myself, but I still felt rooted to the spot.

Mom beamed from the front row, watching my sister-in-law move down the aisle toward my brother. I stole another glance at Luna. Her beautiful blue eyes were shiny, unshed tears obvious with the way the sunlight was hitting her. I still hadn’t figured out what was bothering her, but I hoped that as the day wore on she might get more open, even if it took the champagne flowing to loosen her lips. I probably wouldn’t be able to fix whatever was swirling around in her head, but I also knew she wasn’t the type to burden her friends today.

Her knuckles were as white as the bouquet she held, but I couldn’t pick out any scent of distress from where I stood.

I waited quietly for my cue to pass over the rings, and when I had completed my task, and bride and groom had kissed, I was able to rejoin Luna. The bridal party left the ceremony space and retreated together to the bridal suite until it was time for bride and groom to greet their guests. A charcuterie board had been set up during the ceremony for us to eat before dinner. Allie sat in Sidney’s lap and Meg fed her bites while the photographer worked their magic.

Flutes of champagne and fizzy lemonade decorated all the flat surfaces, and Meg made sure everyone was hydrating properly, fulfilling her role as the alpha in charge of managing our group today.

“I can’t wait for dinner,” I said, scooping a bite of food for myself. “My stomach is gonna start going concave if I don’t get a real meal soon.”

Luna snorted. “There’s literally a tray of food in front of you.”

“Yeah, but if I ate as much of it as I wanted, there would be nothing left for anyone else. I’m being polite.”

“It’s true,” Nicky said with a laugh. “Don’t give Luca free rein on any food you want to actually eat yourself.”

“Lucky for Luca, there’s a few things a girl can’t eat herself.” Luna winked at me. “I’d give him free rein on that.”

Heat roared up my spine as my brain made the connection between her words and the salacious meaning. My face flushed so warm it was a wonder I didn’t start dripping sweat. Mental images of her suggestion tumbled through my mind, my throat and pants suddenly tight.