My cheeks flushed with warmth. I watched with hungry eyes as he pulled off his own clothes, revealing the trim sculpted body I’d known a thousand times over.

“Like what you see, kitten?”

I nodded, biting my lip. “I can’t help it that you’re gorgeous. Besides, I’m legally allowed to look whenever I want.”

Sidney laughed. “Ah yes, one of the lesser-known perks of marriage.”

“Exactly.” I crossed the short distance between us and walked my fingertips up his chest, lacing my hands behind his head to pull him down.

“Are you trying to tease me into satisfying you?” he asked.

“I am shocked! Shocked, I say, that you would even think I would stoop to teasing to get what I want.”

“You’re right. That doesn’t sound like you at all.” He pulled out of my grasp and exchanged his regular shorts for his swim ones before picking me up and carrying me out onto the deck. We plunged into the warm water and broke apart, swimming back to the surface to burst through into the air.

I laughed and swam over to the ladder. “Oh my god! It feels like a bath. I’m never going to get out.”

“I’ll extract you when you start to prune.” Sidney joined me and pinned me against the ladder. “Have I told you lately that you look beautiful when you’re soaking wet?”

I leaned in to nuzzle his cheek and whisper in his ear, “That’s good because you make me fucking wet.”

“You don’t want me to fuck you in the ocean. Salt water will get into unfortunate places.”

I giggled. “Maybe so, but I’m still going to have fun teasing you.”

Sidney growled and bit my shoulder. “Naughty kitten.”

“You knew exactly what you were getting into when you married me.” I slipped out of his arms and swam slowly on my back in the shade of our bungalow. “Do you think they rent snorkel equipment? I bet there’s cute fish in here.”

“We can ask at the hotel when we go in for dinner.”

I hadn’t gone swimming as often as I would’ve liked in my adult life. As a child I’d practically been part fish, spending every spare moment at the community pool. Now it was like a renewal when I bathed in the fragrant ocean and let it soak into my bones. I hummed softly, swishing my fingers through the surface of the water to keep myself balanced. Sidney floated just out of reach.

“You’re too far away.”

He adjusted his floating until we could brush fingertips. “Better?”

“Much.” I sighed happily. “I need a floaty pillow under my head so I can drift forever.”

“If you fall asleep out here, you’re going to drift out to sea and then what the hell am I supposed to do with the rest of my life?”

“Mourn for eternity because I’m an irreplaceable gem and the light of your life?”

“You’re not wrong about any of those things, but I’d still prefer not to have to mourn. Maybe I’ll have to tie a rope around your ankle and attach you to the ladder.”

I dipped beneath the water and swam under him, popping up to let myself wrap around him. I kissed his cheek and tossed myself back into the water like a dolphin.

Pure delight sang through my blood. Being in the ocean reinvigorated me and let me forget my exhaustion as I bobbed in the delicate waves.

Sidney looked like some kind of ocean god of myth. His skin soaked up the sun, and the splattering of ocean droplets in his hair sparkled like a halo.

“You’re exceptionally pretty out here,” I said.

“It’s dangerous to view me in direct sunlight. You’ll burn to a crisp.”

I laughed and swiped back some unruly strands of my hair. “It’s a little unfair, honestly. You get to be out here looking like an absolute snack even when you’re soaking wet and I’m pretty sure that I look like a drowned rat right now.”

“Only slightly drowned.” Sidney chuckled and pulled me toward him. “But drowned or not, you’re always exquisite to me.”