“I can’t decide if giggles are good or bad for my ego.”

“Doesn’t matter which because I can’t help it.”

I flicked free my cufflinks and started on the buttons, slinking toward her, and kneeled to pull her into a kiss that had her moaning into my mouth before pushing away and playfully ripping open my shirt. Buttons scattered everywhere.

Allie let out a delighted laugh. “You’re making me wish I had a stack of bills to tuck into your undies.”

“You can pay me in other ways, kitten.” I slipped off my belt and dropped it to the floor.

She visibly swallowed as my pants followed, and my socks after that, leaving me only in snug black boxer briefs that clung to my ass. Allie reached out grabby hands, and I slunk toward her. Sneaking her fingers under the waistband, she yanked the fabric away and lowered her head in one smooth motion, taking my cock into her mouth.

My curse blurred into a needy growl, and I fucked myself between her lips, but pulled away after only a few thrusts. “Time to get you out of those clothes, but first I’m going to get the rest of the room ready before you make me too impatient.”

I made the rounds quickly, using the lighter to get each of the candles glowing, and turned on the bath to fill, adding a healthy squeeze of bubble bath into the water while Allie relaxed and watched me.

My bride.

It was unfair how beautiful she was and how much the golden, flickering light of the candles off the satin gave her an ethereal glow. The sweet floral scent of the bubble bath filled the air. Allie squeaked when I turned my focus back on her, moving toward her until I could pull her into my arms. My fingers made quick work of the satin buttons at the back of her neck and the top half of the gown fell to her waist, revealing some sort of contraption holding her breasts in place. I’d seen a fair few varieties of undergarments in my day, but never one like this.

“What on earth is that?”

“It’s an adhesive strapless bra!”

“How am I supposed to get that off?” I asked. “Is it glued to you? What witchcraft is happening to keep that on?”

“Listen. Witchcraft is required when it comes to making sure my titties stay inside my dress and don’t make a break for it. I packed some coconut oil to get it off.”

“They’re going to have to stay contained for a bit.” I tugged the skirt of the gown off her hips and gathered it up to drape over one of the chairs. “I’m half-tempted to make you put these stockings and garter back on after our bath.”

“I packed some fresh lacy stuff.” Allie grinned and planted a kiss on my cheek. “Strip me down. I’m ready to get all wet for you.”

“I can’t tell if you’re talking about the bath or sex.”

Allie laughed. “Always both.”

I had Allie sit while I undid the garter clasps and peeled her stockings down one at a time before assisting her out of the garter belt. “Grab your oil so I can witchcraft you out of that bra.”

She trotted over to her bag and returned with a small container, setting it on the edge of the tub. We slipped into the lush bubbles and warm water, relaxing into each other after a very long day.

Allie straddled my hips and rose up on her knees. “Ready for you to free the nipple.”

I chuckled and unscrewed the cap on the coconut oil, dipping in my fingertips and running it along the outside edge of the garment. Allie sighed happily, and I repeated the process, slowly freeing her from adhesive hell until I could toss the bra aside and fill my hands with her, slick thumbs rolling over her nipples.

She leaned into my touch as I continued my slow, lazy glide over her skin. “Lube me up too much and I’ll fly off the bed like a rocket when we’re fucking.”

I threw my head back and laughed, pinching one nipple that had her gasping. I nuzzled her cheek. “Don’t worry, kitten. I brought the harnesses. You’re not going anywhere.”

We lounged in the warm bath together until she was pliant and primed from my continuous gentle touches. I turned her around and pulled her onto my lap, tracing patterns on her thighs and stomach until she squirmed against me. Each swoop of my hand toward the crux of her thighs had her quivering but I had no intention of letting her come quite yet.

“You’re being unfair,” Allie whined.

“I’m being plenty fair. You’ll get what you’re looking for, but I control the timeline.”

She bucked her hips and I slid an arm around her waist to still her.

“None of that, kitten.”

“I wouldn’t have to be so squirmy if you weren’t so mean.”