Sidney’s gaze flared with heat, and my pussy clenched at the sight. The floor cleared as Meg set a chair down for me to sit on while Sidney dropped to his knees in front of his bride. He lifted the hem of my gown, his hands disappearing beneath the satin. I held my breath, inching my thighs apart as he walked his fingertips over my skin, his eyes never leaving mine. He brushed the lacy fabric of my panties, and I squirmed. Sidney hooked his fingers around the garter and slid it slowly down, teasing my leg the whole way.

He held the garter aloft, and the crowd cheered.

“All right, you know the drill!” the DJ announced. “Unbonded and unmarried alphas and any remaining single betas on the floor.”

Sidney tossed the garter when everyone had gathered. The guests burst out laughing, and I turned to see the garter on top of Luca’s hair.

Sidney snorted. “You’re up next, Lulu!”

Luca groaned and pulled the garter off his head. I tucked up next to Sidney and stood on my toes to get a kiss.

“There’s one more step to this tradition, folks,” the DJ told them. “Our garter-catcher has to put it on the bouquet-catcher!”

Luca paled, and Luna flushed pink. I giggled from my nest in Sidney’s arms. Luna took over the chair I had used, spreading her knees boldly and crooking her finger to draw Luca in.

“Someone’s saucy,” Sidney whispered in my ear.

I snickered. “It’s one of her best qualities. Luca looks like he might burst into flames.”

“In all fairness, he might.” Sidney kissed my cheek.

Luca kneeled and slipped the garter around Luna’s ankle, his face red as he inched it up her leg.

“I can steal you at any time,” Sidney murmured in my ear. “We’ve checked all the wedding boxes. Do you want to keep dancing or can I entice you to a luxury hotel room?”

Warmth sank into my skin where his fingertips slid up my arms. “I could be enticed. I’ll go tell Meg, and you let the DJ know so we can leave everyone to their partying.”

“On it.”

Sidney kissed me again and zipped off toward the DJ while I hunted down Meg in the crowd. I looped my arms around my maid of honor’s waist. “We’re going to head out in a few minutes.”

Meg grinned down at me. “Getting worn out from being railed instead of from dancing?”

I laughed. “That’s the general plan.”

“Go have fun.” Meg nudged me toward Sidney, who was moving through the crowd toward us. “We’ll hold down the fort.”

As the current song wound down, the DJ tapped the mic. “Our happy couple are heading out for the evening, but we have the space for a few more hours so everyone is invited to stay, eat, and dance to your heart’s content. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael-Marino!”

The guests applauded as Sidney and I took our leave. The moment the doors closed behind us, Sidney scooped me up into his arms. I giggled and clung to him all the way to the valet parking, where we reclaimed our vehicle and zipped through town to our swanky hotel for the night.

I carried in the bags we’d pre-packed, and Allie led the way with a bounce in her step that made her gown swish around her. Within a few minutes we were walking through the door to the honeymoon suite. A heart of rose petals was laid out on the king-sized bed, and a bottle of champagne sat on ice, with candles everywhere waiting to be lit, and a platter of chocolate-dipped strawberries on the table.

“Dayum. This place is swanky as fuck.” Allie spun around to see everything, and I watched her move, heat building in my chest, and she stopped short at my gaze. “Hey, handsome. Something catch your eye?”

“You want me to ruin you romantically or roughly first?”

“How about rough and romantic? Multifaceted fucking.”

I backed her up to the bed and dropped to my knees. Allie lifted one foot for me to tug off her shoe, and I set it aside, kissing her ankle over the gauzy white stockings she wore before moving to her other leg.

Allie braced her toes against my chest and pushed me away with a slow smile. “Strip for me.”

I raised a curious eyebrow. “Do I get a show in return?”

“Baby, you can have anything you want tonight.” Allie grabbed her phone and put on an ultra-cheesy stripping song with a pulsing beat.

I rose smoothly, my purr rumbling. My suit jacket was carelessly tossed aside, and I toed off my dress shoes, kicking them away. The slow roll of my hips had her giggling even as her scent grew more saturated.