“You too, buster.” Meg held a water bottle out to me. “I’m not letting either of you keel over tonight.”

“Meg to the rescue!” Allie laughed and planted a firm kiss on her cheek.

“I can’t wait for dinner,” said Luca. “My stomach is gonna start going concave if I don’t get a real meal soon.”

Luna snorted. “There’s literally a tray of food in front of you.”

“Yeah, but if I ate as much of it as I wanted, there would be nothing left for anyone else. I’m being polite.”

“It’s true,” Nicky said with a laugh. “Don’t give Luca free rein on any food you want to actually eat yourself.”

“Lucky for Luca there’s a few things a girl can’t eat herself.” Luna winked at him and he flushed crimson. “I’d give him free rein on that.”

“Loons,” Meg chided. “You promised to behave.”

“Excuse you, I promised no such thing.” Luna popped a cherry tomato into her mouth.

“I vote we not mention either of my brothers eating anything ever again,” Nicky said, thrusting her hand into the air.

“Pretty sure you’d get outvoted between Allie and me.” Luna snickered. “But I’ll take pity on you for the moment. Besides, it’s all Allie’s fault.”

Allie squawked. “How is it my fault?”

“Because you’re all cute and happy and it makes me sad about my own very single life.”

I glanced over at Luca, who was red as a beet, eyes darting toward the door.

“Loons,” Meg said, “I’m gonna need you to keep your skirts down for the duration of the wedding. Tomorrow you do what you like.”

Luna sighed dramatically. “Fiiine.”

“Have you had enough to eat, sweets?” Meg asked Allie.

“Hmm, one more bite, please.” Allie popped her mouth open like a little bird for another meat and cheese parcel.

We’d all been awake since the ass crack of dawn, and I was grateful that we’d planned this short bit of reprieve after photos while the guests started on their cocktail hour.

“Okay, so,” said Nicky, staring at the wedding program, “dinner, then dancing through the whole evening, cake, bouquet and garter toss, and then our happy couple abandons us, right?”

“You bet!” Allie beamed. “We’ve got a bathtub big enough for a half dozen people calling our name.”

There was a knock at the door and Meg got up to answer it. One of the venue staff smiled on the other side.

“They’re ready to announce the couple whenever you’re ready.”

“We’ll be right out,” Meg replied and turned back to the group. “Come on, babes.”

Allie snickered and slid off my lap, pulling me along with her. “Time to greet our adoring public.”

Meg looped arms with Nicky and led our group to the reception hall, where the guests were gathered. The double doors swung open.

“Here’s the couple of the hour!” The DJ’s voice boomed over the speaker system. “Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael-Marino!”

Nicky and Meg went in first, splitting apart to stand at each side, followed by Luca and Luna, and then finally Allie and I entered as the guests roared with applause, whoops, and whistles. Not for the first time, I was knocked breathless by a perfectly joyful Allie as I twirled my bride right onto the dance floor.

“We’ll kick off the evening with the couple’s first dance,” the DJ announced, switching the song.

I gave my bride another spin, her gown flaring around her knees, her sweet laughter rising over the music. I had no idea what god I’d impressed to be so blessed, but I’d take it. Even with all the eyes on us, it felt like it was just the two of us under the spotlight.