“I never thought I’d find the perfect partner at work or that fate would put you in my path again after four years apart. You’re beautiful—inside and out—and I couldn’t ask for a better person to share my life with. I don’t know why the universe decided to bless me so thoroughly, but I’ll be grateful until the day I die for the opportunity to love you. Even if your socks never make it into the hamper.”

The officiant smiled at me and gestured for me to continue, guiding me through the standard portion of the vows.

“I take you, Allison Maisie Carmichael, to be my wife, my bondmate, and my omega for as long as our souls endure. I will cherish, protect, and care for you until the last breath leaves my body.”

Then it was Allie’s turn to speak. Tears already rimmed her lower lashes.

“I’ve thought about marrying you since I was nineteen years old, when all I knew about you was that you were pretty and took care of me and let me eat dessert first.”

The wedding guests laughed softly.

“And then—” She sniffled. “And then we got another chance, and I’ve been wondering what I did to deserve you every day since. I love you so much and I apologize in advance for how many times I’m going to cry on you today.”

I squeezed her hands and soothed her with gentle strokes of my thumb.

Allie shivered. “I take you, Sidney Manuel Marino, to be my husband, my bondmate, and my alpha for as long as our souls endure. I will cherish you, protect you right back, and care for you until the last breath leaves my body.”

“Sidney and Allison have chosen to exchange rings as a symbol of their unending love and devotion,” said the officiant.

Luca passed over the rings, and Allie and I each took one to give the other.

I lifted her left hand and kissed her knuckles again. “I give you this ring to wear as a symbol of our love so all the world knows I will always stand by your side.” The slim gold band fit easily on her finger next to the engagement ring I’d put there last year.

Allie did the same for me, repeating the phrase that cemented our relationship for everyone in attendance.

“By the authority vested in me by the Department of Bondmates and Matrimony, I now pronounce you alpha and omega, husband and wife, and bondmates forever. You may now kiss your partner.”


I tucked one hand against Allie’s cheek and the other to her waist, pulling her closer. Honeysuckle blossomed and filled my senses as I leaned in to accept Allie’s eager kiss. The hint of salt from her tears only highlighted the sweetness of her mouth and how much I wanted to touch her this way, every day, into eternity.

The audience roared their approval, applause like thunder in my ears. We were shuffled over to sign the legal paperwork before leaving the ceremony venue with the bridal party and parents in tow. Photos passed in a blur of color and laughter.

I stole Allie away and tucked us both into a copse of banana trees. “I need a few seconds alone with you. It’s been too many hours of chaos.”

She grinned up at me. “Hi, husband.”

“Hi, wife.” I leaned in to inhale her scent and pressed a soft kiss to her throat. “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.” Allie looped her arms around my neck.

We wouldn’t have long before people would be looking for us, but for the moment it was just the two of us among the verdant plants and I needed to have my arms around my wife.

“It was super weird spending the night without you,” Allie said.

“Well, luckily we have a ridiculously indulgent hotel room to share tonight so we can make up for lost time.” I slid my hands down her back to cup her satin-clad ass.

She giggled against me. “Bet you ten bucks that the photographer is lurking somewhere and already has a pic of you touching my butt.”

“Good. We should commemorate it.” I scooped her up and carried my happily cackling bride back to our group.

“There’s the lovebirds,” Meg said, laughing, as we rounded the corner and she ushered us over. “We should get our girl some snacks before we head to the reception.”

I set Allie upright but kept my arm looped around her waist. “Absolutely. Can’t have a hungry bride on our hands.”

We still had a bit of time before we needed to greet our guests, so for the moment the entire bridal party settled back into the bridal suite with a charcuterie board between us. Allie sat on my lap while Meg made meat and cheese bundles for her, passing them over on the tip of a tiny fork while the photographer snapped candids of everyone.

It was very likely my bride hadn’t been taking care of herself today, so I was glad Meg was taking her duty as maid of honor seriously and was keeping my ravenous mate fed until dinner. Flutes of champagne and fizzy lemonade decorated all of the flat surfaces, and I made sure Allie sipped some water as well to stay hydrated.