“Have Luca run defense.”

“I heard my name.” Luca popped up, dressed in a matching tuxedo with a red pocket square. “What am I doing?”

“Keeping Mom occupied so she doesn’t shove Nick down the aisle after me with the first decent person she can find in the crowd.”

“Can do.” Luca grinned. “I’ll flirt with one of the bridesmaids where she can see me and that should distract her.”

“Nervous?” My father joined us, smiling at his three children.

“Only about tripping,” I replied.

My father laughed. “Good. You picked a fine partner, and I’m glad to have her in the family.”

“Everyone, stop being sentimental around me or I’m going to start tearing up.” I shooed the lot of them away. I’d tried to sneak away to see Allie before the ceremony, but her mother had taken up guard duty and threw a towel at my face before I could see my bride. All the ladies, including my mom and Nicky, had spent the night at Allie’s mother’s to get ready together that morning.

I didn’t particularly mind the various traditions around marriage, but being separated from Allie the night before the ceremony meant I had to miss her. I was decidedly not a fan of that. It had taken me what felt like an eternity to fall asleep without her in the same bed. All I wanted was one little kiss to tide me over, but no one seemed keen on allowing me that.

I checked the clock for the fifth time in half an hour, eager for the ceremony to start.

“Calm down those ants in your pants,” Nicky chided. “Time won’t flow any faster because you’re impatient.”

“You don’t know that,” I countered. “Maybe the sheer force of my will can speed it up.”

“There’s only ten minutes left. We can probably go line up already as long as you don’t sneak any peeks if Allie comes around,” said Nicky. “We need that first look captured by the camera.”

The group of us left the groom’s suite and headed to wait outside the ceremony room. Allie was tucked behind a decorative folding screen, if Meg and Luna standing guard in front of it were any indication. The parents had gathered and one of the venue staff was waiting to direct everyone.

“Okay, it’ll be just like the rehearsal,” the staffer said. “Groom will go in first, then maid of honor and best groomswoman, then bridesmaid and groomsman followed by our bride and her mother. Everyone ready?”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group.

Allie made herself known when her bouquet and hand appeared over the top of the screen. “Let’s get this show on the road!”

The staffer arranged us all in our proper order, and the music to announce the bridal party began.

I turned to the double doors, took a deep breath, and stepped through. Two hundred pairs of eyes turned to stare at me. Bundles of red flowers decorated the tops of small marble caryatid statues connected by red ribbons to create an aisle among the standing crowd. The air was scented with honeysuckle but even the blossoms weren’t as sweet as my bride. Allie had chosen the botanical gardens for the wedding, which gave us the bright blue sky above through the glass and all manner of tropical trees and flowers that filled every spare inch.

I forced myself to walk slowly like we’d practiced. The officiant had reminded us all multiple times not to rush because people got nervous and always zipped down the aisle. I smiled at my friends and the plethora of cousins grinning back at me.

I took my place to one side of the officiant. Meg and Nicky came next, walking arm in arm like a pair of models except for the fact that Nicky stuck her tongue out at me before taking her place at my side. Luca and Luna came after, my brother’s cheeks flushed pink, gaze slipping to the pretty omega every few steps. They parted ways, Luca standing next to Nicky and Luna next to Meg.

The music shifted and the crowd stood, turning as one to wait for Allie’s arrival. Energy shifted through the room in a ripple—Allie, the pebble tossed into the still lake. I froze when she came into view and my throat tightened.

Holy shit.

She was always beautiful, always perfect to me, but right this second she was a goddess descended to earth. Her smile was bright, and her gaze locked on me. Warmth burned my eyes and I blinked back the encroaching tears. I matched my breaths to her slow steps, focusing on keeping myself steady and not crying for the photos.

White satin hugged her body, emphasizing every exquisite inch. I wasn’t sure what all they’d done with makeup but her brown eyes sparkled and her red lips kept stealing my attention, even as my gaze swept over her, taking in the glittering earrings and swish of her skirt.

It honestly bordered on ridiculous how much I loved the woman walking toward me. She swept into my presence in a swell of honeysuckle, her soft hand reaching for mine. I took it and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. A teddy bear charm hung from her bouquet. I raised a questioning eyebrow. She winked at me, smiling at her throwback to Mr. Bear, who had come along with her for her first heat with me.

I took her in—the sheen of her sleek updo, the depth of her chocolate-brown eyes and the sweep of thick lashes around them, and the flush of her cheeks. She glowed.

Allie passed the bouquet over to Meg and focused all her attention on me. The officiant welcomed the guests, and a hush fell over the crowd. My heart pounded like a drum as I listened to the words. Hundreds of eyes were glued to us, but I looked only at my bride.

“Today we are gathered here to unite Allison and Sidney in marriage,” the officiant began. “Our bride and groom have prepared their own vows for the ceremony. Sidney, you may begin.”

I swallowed hard, encouraged when Allie squeezed my hands.