“Come out, little kitten.”

I pressed tighter to the stone with a shiver and tried to keep my breathing quiet. My ears strained, but apparently my mate had a step that was light as hell. I couldn’t tell where he might be.

“There you are.” His voice was alarmingly close and I bolted in a blind panic before he could reach me, launching with my hands in the dirt and flinging back down the path toward the lake.

I wasn’t much of a runner, but the surge of adrenaline kept me going, urging me on until I burst through the trees. The cabin was lit up like a beacon, and the moonlight reflected off the gently rippling water. I had half a mind to run around the cabin and go straight back into the woods, but the extra length of Sidney’s stride thwarted me. His weight crashed against my back and I tumbled to the sand at my feet, his arms wrapped protectively around me to soften the landing. Sidney’s hand was over my lips to silence my squawk, his body over mine in the darkness.

“Poor little kitten,” he crooned. “I thought you would give me more of a challenge.”

I squirmed in his grip, my fingers digging into the sand, but my wriggling only served to bring his cock to full attention. He growled in my ear, sending goosebumps spiraling over my skin, heat pooling at the apex of my thighs. I was too busy trying to claw my way along the sand to continue the game that I didn’t notice how quickly the skirt of my dress was flipped and his cock was freed from his pants to rock through my slick.

My core tightened and I melted instantly. My body knew what to expect, how to submit to the pleasure I knew he would give me. The fact that we were out under the moonlight where anyone who wanted to cross the property lines could see us only made my heart beat faster.

Who knew getting fucked in the sand under pale moonlight would do it for me? Sandy grit wedged beneath my nails as I dug my fingers into the damp sand.

This was what I had wanted and failed to receive from every person that wasn’t him. He let me tap into every fantasy and desire, let me play any game I pleased so I could learn about every deep and dark recess of who I was and what I wanted.

I lost my breath when he fucked into me, his fingers keeping a steady grip on my mouth, succeeding in muffling only a portion of the sounds as he rode me there on the beach. My eyes were rolled back, muscles shaking, the silent begging chant the only thought in my head as I shattered.

His grip loosened a fraction as I came. I wanted the game to continue so I took the opportunity and launched away, evading his fingertips as he reached for me. My body protested the new emptiness on the tail end of the raw pleasure, but I let the adrenaline take over and raced down the beach. The pounding of his feet against the sand triggered every primal instinct I possessed, and I pushed on, my ballet flats flinging off my feet, my bare skin cool against the dampness.

I squawked when his arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me clean off the ground to toss me over his shoulder.

“Not fast enough, kitten.”

The world tilted on its axis and I was suddenly upside down, my dress flipped and exposing my whole lower half to the night air. I nearly leapt out of my skin when Sidney’s mouth descended against my cunt, his arms holding me so tightly I could barely breathe. I squirmed uselessly, unable to gain any purchase to do more than that.

My face burned from the rush of blood as I hung there, Sidney’s cock tented behind his pants mere inches from my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist, desperate for a little more security in this position while I smothered the moans he coaxed from me. The world tilted again and he set me onto soft grass. I didn’t even have a chance to orient myself before he got his hand on my ponytail and hoisted up my hips to fuck smoothly back into me. He didn’t try to muffle my sounds this time.

I serenaded the night, my body eager to absorb every thrust from him, the slight sting on my scalp from his grip only heightening every sensation. The fabric of my dress served as a textured barrier between his sand-covered fingers and my clit, the roughness only making me vibrate with desire, coming on the beach for all our neighbors to hear.

Sidney fucked me through one more rise before he let go himself, driving deep and pinning me in place as warmth bloomed deep inside me.

“Come on, kitten.” Sidney purred, nuzzling my shoulder. “Let’s get you all tidied up so I can take you apart again in the hot tub.”


He was all fucking mine—to love, to play with, to explore a whole lifetime together—and sooner than I could blink, we were going to declare that for the world to see.

“Oh god.” I paced back and forth in one of the bridal suites at the botanical gardens while Luna followed, fanning me with one of the programs.

“It’s not that bad.” Luna moved the program a little more frantically when I spun around to stare at her.

Soft swishes of air kept the stress sweat from my skin and wafted dark strands of stray hairs. I let out a whine and Meg tucked me close. The alpha’s lemon balm and grapefruit scent hit me in a wave of fragrance that somehow both woke me up and calmed me down.

“Deep breaths. It’s not the end of the world or the wedding. We’ll get it all sorted. Your only job is to be gorgeous and get married.” Meg pressed me closer and ran a gentle hand over my back.

Luna appeared in my field of vision again, keeping up her fanning duties. “If I have to fight some bitches, I’ll totally do it. You picked the perfect dress color because no one will know if I’ve had to throw wine in someone’s face or if I’ve shanked them with a dessert fork.”

I burst out laughing and snuggled up to Meg. Both of my bridesmaids were in the gorgeous wine-red dresses I’d picked out. Meg’s dark hair was braided and curled, and Luna’s riot of blonde curls was piled up, with little red honeysuckle blossoms decorating both of their updos. My own dark brown curls were swept into an old Hollywood–style glam updo to compliment my white satin gown with halter neck, snug bodice, and flared base.

“I’m with Luna,” said Meg. “I will absolutely tackle anyone that needs tackling. And that includes your drunk Uncle Ted who picked a fight with the florist.”

“She’s not going to leave, is she?” I asked, nerves picking at my stomach. “The reception hall isn’t decorated yet.”

“It should, in theory, be fine,” said Luna. “We have Nicky talking to the florist and Luca running defense with the uncle.”

I let out a relieved sigh. Nicky and Luca could handle things. I’d have some serious words with my mother about inviting the uncle we’d specifically not invited due to his penchant for fucking up events, but that would have to wait until after the wedding was over.