We had just gotten another litter of pups settled with their forever homes when Sidney wrapped his arms around me from behind and rested his cheek on top of my head. “Could I interest you in a camping trip?”

“I don’t know how much of a camp girly I am. Are we talking sleeping under a tarp on the ground or are we talking glamping?”

“Glamping. I know how attached you are to running water.”

“So true.”

Sidney chuckled and hugged me tighter. “I thought you might like a resurgence of the game we played last year.”

Delight sparkled up my spine, warmth pooling in my belly. “The hunting game?”

“The very one. Adds a bit more edge to it if we’re out in the woods.”

“You’re gonna go full predator on me.” The idea had heat thrumming through me from head to toe. “I could get on board with running through the trees.”

“Then I guess it’s a good thing it’s a long weekend and I thought ahead to book us a secluded cabin.”

“Don’t tell me that. Now I wanna go right now.”

“Fortuitous that I already packed a bag.”

I spun around, blinking at him. “Are you serious? We could go right now?”

“We can. I thought it would be a good time since all of the babies just went to their homes and you might feel more comfortable somewhere else for a few days.”

Emotion knotted in my chest and I rose up on my toes to kiss him, flinging my arms around his neck. “How do you know me so well?”

“I just pay attention to what I love.”

“You’re getting so fucking lucky tonight. Let me do a quick check to make sure you didn’t miss any of my essentials.” I placed a quick peck onto his lips and then dashed into the bedroom, digging through the overnight bag and finding everything I needed.

I bounced in my seat the whole drive out, eager for the time away and also for the promised pleasure.

When we came to a stop in front of a lakeside cabin, I was out of the car like a flash. Sidney had picked up the key from the owner on our way in, and soon enough we were nestled inside the charming log house.

“Sexy hunt tonight or tomorrow?”

“We can do tonight if you take me on a walk so I don’t accidentally trip down a ravine or something.”

“Of course. Safety first.” His eyes gleamed as he approached me. “I selected this place in particular because of the flat terrain so you can run freely without much danger.”

I did a quick change, trading my outfit for a yellow sundress to give him easy access, and swapping my flip flops for slightly sturdier ballet flats. I tied my hair back to keep it out of the way and also provide a convenient handle for when Sidney inevitably caught me.

“You look edible,” he told me. “Let’s get you familiarized with the grounds so we can get a move on.”

Nervous excitement jumped in my belly as I followed him out. It was near sunset already, and we probably only had half an hour of light remaining, but it was enough to make a few rounds in the nearby trails and scope out any hazards.

“You’re sure this is okay?”

“Should be fine. Just go straight ahead or back the way we came instead of left or right too far. Each of the cabins has a decent amount of space and wood surrounding it. Any questions? Concerns?”

“I don’t think so. I got the basic idea of the hunt when we played at the house.”

“Perfect.” He stepped off the trail and closed his eyes. “Better run, kitten. We’ve got about two minutes before the light is gone behind those hills and that’s all the head start you’re going to get.”

I bolted down the trail as quietly as I could. There was a switchback loop about five minutes walk away where a boulder bisected the path. I figured that would be as good of a hiding place as any and then I had two routes of escape so the game wouldn’t end immediately. I hadn’t quite anticipated how much more potent this would be outdoors. My heart was kicking against my ribs, aware of both my mate ready to come for me but also any potential predators hiding in the woods. Every single prey instinct was on full alert as I trotted down the dirt path, the light disappearing with frightening speed.

Every rustle in the trees had my heart leaping into my throat, but I was pretty sure it was just a squirrel and not something much bigger that had its eye on me. The sticky heat of the summer night pressed against me, making my skin damp before I was chilled by the breeze trailing its fingers over me.