I pressed my hips up into her. “I’ll put it on the list for the wedding.”

Allie giggled, leaning in to devour my mouth with eager lips. She lifted her hips, angled my cock, and sank down on me with a desperate moan that I echoed, my fingers digging hard into her hips.

“Jesus, you’re so wet.” I bucked deeper and pulled her down.

“I get super hot when you’re all romantic.”

Her ring glinted in the streetlights and spurred a new spiral of heat through me.

“You’re gonna get laid twenty times a day at this rate.”

“Oh nooo,” I panted amid my laughter. “What a burden to carry. You can wear me down to a fucking nub, and I’ll just say thank you.”

Allie let out a sharp laugh, leaning close again to devour my mouth. She used the chair to give herself momentum, digging her fingers into the headrest for leverage. People walked down the street a short distance away. Anyone could see us if they looked over. The illicit knowledge gave me a thrill. She was all mine forever, but if she wanted to tease the populace with something they’d never have, that was more than fine by me.

I helped Allie along, meeting her hips with thrusts from below, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other cradling the back of her neck as we met over and over in a clash of hot lips and tongues. She whimpered against my mouth, her desperation getting the better of her. Allie rose up, bucking and rocking her hips as hard and fast as she could manage. I put my hand between her head and the roof of the car so she didn’t accidentally concuss herself in her frenzy. I dipped my fingers between us and stroked her clit with frantic touches that had her cunt squeezing my cock so tightly I cursed.

Allie spilled over the edge with a sobbing gasp. Her hips still worked briskly, dragging me up and over the peak of pleasure with her as she pulsed around me. I took us down slowly with a smooth ride, keeping hold of her waist to temper her movements, the sensations ebbing with each breath. I sucked in a deep breath to settle myself.

“You look like pure bliss.”

“That’s ’cause I feel like it.” Allie laughed and tugged my face up to kiss me.

She sighed happily and accepted the dozen kisses I peppered against her mouth and face.

“We’re definitely going to have to have car sex more often.” I laughed quietly. “Holy fuck.”

Allie giggled and tucked her face against my throat. “I might be stuck. My foot got wedged in the chair.”

“In a rush to leave?” I nuzzled her, my hands trailing down her leg to free her captive limb.

“Never ever. I just wanna get home so you can fuck me on a flat surface and then I can text everyone I know that we’re engaged now.”

“And start planning the wedding.” I purred beneath her, the sound of contentment filling the vehicle. “Fair warning, I’ll probably cry when we’re up at the altar.”

Allie giggled again. “Balancing things out for how much I cried on you today.”

“I guess we have one important question left to answer.”

“Yeah?” she asked.

“Mhmm.” I kissed her cheek. “My last name or yours?”


Guess what guess what guess what


New puppies?


Sidney bought you a crown because you’re a fucking queen?

I sent over a photo of the red beryl and gold ring on my finger, held aloft next to my face where I had the biggest smile possible.
