“I know it’s not a surprise,” I said softly, my thumb stroking her cheek, “but I’ve been ready to marry you for a while now. Fate may have tied us, but I choose you. I’m asking even though your ring is already on my finger. Marry me? Let me love you for a lifetime.”

Her tears had turned into full sobs as she frantically nodded her head and threw her arms around my neck, letting me hoist her up. “Yes. Yes, yes, a thousand fucking yesses.”

Cheers and applause erupted around us.

Allie sucked in teary breaths, trying to steady herself as I pulled the ring from its spun sugar nest and put it on her finger. I kissed her again and she tucked her face to my throat. My sweet, perfect omega.

I slid my hands down her back. “Want to smack the sugar topping on the crème brûlée and drink some champagne?”

“Yes, please.”

I got her tucked back into the booth with one more kiss and climbed back in on the other side. I dried her cheeks with her napkin and offered her the trio of desserts.

“What kind are they all?”

“Chocolate crème brûlée, chocolate mousse, and chocolate almond dacquoise. Our server was much more chill about us getting dessert first.” I passed Allie one of the tiny spoons that accompanied the dessert and smiled as she whacked her way through the crisp sugary top.

A scoop passed through her lips, and she made an absolutely sinful sound. “Oh my god. Can a person come just from eating dessert? I think it’s gonna happen.”

I laughed until she shoved a spoonful into my mouth, sweet cream, cocoa, and caramelized sugar bathing my tongue. “Holy shit,” I whispered.

“Right?” She sampled the other two options. “They’re all unfairly good. How am I supposed to choose a favorite?”

“I’m the only favorite you need to worry about.” I grinned. “You eat as much as you want of all three.”

“I’m not that greedy.” Allie pouted. “We’re going to split all of it.”

We meticulously alternated bites between us amid giggly sips of champagne. When my soon-to-be bride was sufficiently hopped up on sugar, we ordered dinner—a chicken confit and boeuf bourguignon so sinfully tender they bordered on indecent. Every time Allie caught sight of the ring on her finger, a flush of her scent would sneak into my nose, heat searing through me. Hopefully no one was breathing too deeply near us.

We left the restaurant fully satisfied in one way and desperately needy in others. I was half-worried that Allie was going to drag me into an alleyway on the way back to the car.

Allie leaned into me as we walked, losing control of her panting breaths when I squeezed her waist, her scent bursting around us. By the time the parking lot came into view, she was practically vibrating.

“Get into the passenger side,” she murmured, nudging me toward it. “I’m going to combust before we get home.”

Before following the instruction, I tugged Allie close and spun her to press her against the car. She squeaked at the contact of the cool metal, goosebumps rising on her skin as I dipped my face to lick the scent gland on her throat. Allie let out a low whine and hooked her fingers in the collar of my shirt.

“Too needy to play.” She pushed me away and whipped open the passenger door. “In.”

I laughed and climbed in. “You gonna fuck me in a parking lot?”

“That’s exactly my intention, yeah.”

I loved when she got bold. My blood simmered with desire, stomach clenching, my skin demanding contact. Her eyes were alight, her scent a thick cloud around her that promised satisfaction for both of us.

“Well, don’t let me stop you.” I grinned and pulled the lever on the side of the chair, whooshing back until I was as horizontal as the back seat would allow me to go.

Allie stuck her head inside the car and undid my dress pants, tugging them insistently until she could free my cock and climb inside the vehicle with me, swinging the door shut against the evening air.

She rocked her hips over me, groaning with relief as she slid her clit against my cock. The slick glide of her thighs told me my little kitten had been struggling with her desire for a while. If I’d known the rise of her scent was from her literally dripping down her thighs, we wouldn’t have even made it as far as the vehicle.

I sucked in a sharp breath and dug my fingers into her ass.

Allie grinned down at me. “Having a good night, handsome?”

“Impossible not to with my fiancée in my lap.” I slid my palms up her back and growled as she ground herself against me.

Her head brushed the top of the car and she tipped forward, bracing one hand on my chest and the other on the back seat. “We should invest in a party bus so I have more room.”