I shrugged and grinned at him. “Then we’ll start with dessert.”

The sommelier looked as though he wanted to pass away right there at the suggestion. “Of course. Your server will be here shortly to take your order, and I’ll return with your champagne.”

When he left us alone, Allie burst into giggles and smothered them with her hands.

Heat filled my chest. “You’d better get control of your cuteness levels, or I’m going to get us kicked out for public indecency.”

That only made her giggle harder. “Don’t threaten me with a good time. Oh my god. I can’t believe I made that face. That man literally made a career out of loving wine, and I couldn’t even fake liking it. He definitely hates us.”

“I think we aged him ten years with our request.”

“Maybe fifteen.” Allie scooted around the booth toward me and let her temple rest against my shoulder. “It’s not my fault that my tongue hates wine. I want to feel fancy.”

“You can feel fancy with our champagne.”

The sommelier returned with two flutes of golden, bubbly champagne. His lips twisted into a moue of distaste as he set them down.

I nudged Allie once he’d left. “You should go to the bathroom so I can be stealthy with the server about the proposal you absolutely don’t know about.”

Allie laughed and kissed my cheek before wiggling out of the booth. She dodged servers on the way, looking like a princess as she moved through all the gold and marble decor.

I flagged one of the servers and the peppy beta swept over. “Yes, sir? Can I help you?”

“You absolutely can.” I held up Allie’s ring. “Would you be able to slip this on top of the dessert I’m about to order?”

“Oh my god, that’s beautiful! We can definitely do that for you. What dessert would you like?”

“Would it be possible to get a sampler of everything chocolate on your menu?” I’d checked out the menu in advance, and they had a few things I was certain Allie would love.

“That can certainly be arranged.”

“Great, thank you so much.” I passed her the ring and she disappeared into the kitchens.

Allie made her way back to the table slowly with a bounce in her step—but not enough bounce to flash people. I marveled at the fact that I was the luckiest person on the whole damn planet to get to be mated, and soon-to-be married, to someone like her.

“Hi!” Allie gave me a wave and slid back into the booth, leaning over to kiss me. “You look very good against red velvet. Honestly, it should be a crime. I’m going to need to see your permits because I’m pretty sure you’re too hot to be legal.”

I chuckled and slid my fingers into her hair, cutting off her giggles with another kiss.

“What did we get for dessert?” she asked when I pulled away.

“Everything chocolate.”

“Oh god, yes. I eyeballed the entire dessert menu and couldn’t decide what to pick.”

“I figured.” I smiled softly, fingers still tucked in her hair. “I want you to have every sweetness life has to offer and I’d never dream of making you choose just one.”

Allie nestled into my arms. “I love you a whole fucking lot.”

“You’re going to send the sommelier to an early grave with language like that.” I laughed and kissed the top of her head. “But I love you a whole fucking lot, too.”

The peppy server popped up, carrying our dessert. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she set it down before slipping away to a safe distance to watch. Other servers were turned in our direction.

It took Allie only a second to spot her engagement ring nestled inside a roll of spun sugar atop the chocolate crème brûlée.

Tears sprang into her eyes instantly.

I slid out of the booth and got down on one knee A hush fell over the restaurant.