I nodded and he took his time turning off both our vibrators and sliding his cock out of my ass. He tidied me up, wiping away the slickness that had dripped out of my cunt before replacing the plug in my ass and returning my panties to their proper place. I was dizzy from the taste of me still lingering on my tongue. He cleaned himself up as well, looking like an absolute snack in my completely unbiased opinion.

Sidney kissed me, slow and deep, pressing me back against the wall.

“Eat your lunch, kitten. I don’t want you passing out before dinner.” He kissed me again and picked up his takeout container. “I have to get back to the clinic.”

“Text me when you get back so I don’t turn on your vibe while you’re driving.” I winked.

“Will do.” Sidney laughed and gave me one more quick kiss before turning to leave. “You be a good girl until I get to play with you tonight.”

“You’re doing a lot better than I expected.”

Allie was rocking Biscuit like a baby, tears painting her cheeks. “I don’t want them to be upset that they’re leaving.”

“You’ve done an amazing job at getting them acquainted with their new parents.”

She had found adopters for our remaining three fosters within a week of Prince going home, and had brought them regularly to her office so they could be socialized and their future parents could get to know them. The upside was that her office was becoming more dog-friendly by the moment. Her boss had taken one look at Boo and inquired about adoption.

“I love that I’m still gonna get to see them sometimes. I can’t believe that they went from being jelly beans to actual dogs in such a short time.” She kissed Biscuit’s nose. “You didn’t even have your eyes open when I met you.”

Everyone was coming to pick up the fosters today to go to their forever homes and then we’d leave for dinner with my family, which would hopefully be a decent distraction. I sat down next to her, Boo and Banjo scampering over to get attention from me. They were all so sweet. I loved being able to see their personalities emerge and watch them grow into confident pups. Allie could expose any babies we fostered to a whole new group of potential parents and the rescue was thrilled that we had found successful applicants so quickly.

“The rescue wants to know when we might be interested in more fosters.”

Allie sighed softly and reached out a hand to stroke down Boo’s back. “If there’s an emergency one, we can take them, but I think I need a couple of days to emotionally recover from my soon-to-be empty nest. I know I would probably feel better if I had the immediate distraction of more babies, but I don’t want to ever get to the point that I’m just trying to replace the babies we just gave up. I’ll take a couple days to grieve and then we can help some more.”

I kissed at the top of her head, resting my cheek against her hair. “That’s completely fair. I’m really proud of you.”

“Really?” Allie sniffled.

“Absolutely. You took the fostering like a pro.” The doorbell rang and I settled Boo and Banjo onto Allie’s lap. “First parents are here.”

“Puppy thieves.”

I smiled gently at her and smoothed my hand over her hair as I stood. The first to arrive was her boss. I let Allie have a few extra minutes with the puppies while I went over everything with him and got Boo’s puppy harness on him for the ride home.

“Hey there, little man.” Allie’s boss grinned and scratched behind Boo’s ears. He glanced at Allie’s shiny eyes. “You won’t even have time to miss him. The office is going to be way less lonely with my new buddy.”

“I’m glad.” Allie smiled, scooping up Biscuit and Banjo and holding them close to her chest. “The box has all of his favorite toys, a package of his favorite treats, some of his regular food, and a USB of every baby picture we have.”

“That’s such a great idea. I adopted my last dog forever ago and always wished that I had some pictures of her when she was young.”

By the time all of the puppies were picked up and gone home, I was close to tears myself. Allie pressed her face to my chest and broke out sobbing. I held her while she cried, letting a few of my own tears slip free.

“I’m so happy they have homes, but I’m going to miss them so much.”

“I know. It’s hard even when you know what you’re doing is right. We have a bit of time before dinner. Did you want to have a bath?”

“A bath sounds amazing.”

I got the water running with some bubble bath and fixed her up a peach sweet tea and a water so she could rehydrate after all of her tears. We spent a peaceful hour soaking before we finally had to extract ourselves to head over to my parents.

“Feeling better?”

“A bit less raw,” she replied. “You?”

“A lot better. Should we get some strawberries and cream for dessert on the way?”

“Never going to say no to a treat.”