She certainly gave it her best effort. I got her set up with the puppies at her job, and on each of her breaks she walked the three of them around, collecting names of coworkers who were immediately charmed by the pups. Every time someone took a card she excitedly texted me to let me know.


A few people want specific breeds

Do I just direct them to the rescue side?


Yep. There’s a notification system if a specific breed gets processed


Cool beans

I feel like I could get the whole building to adopt after a while


I have no doubt about that

By the time Prince’s adoption day rolled around, Allie had worked through all five stages of grief. It helped a lot when Meg got approved as the adopter, but Allie was still reconciling that we would take Prince over and he wouldn’t be coming back home.

“I got his favorite toy, and his collar, and I wrote down the instructions for his favorite toppings on his food. Usual bathroom schedule, commands he knows…What else do I need to tell her?”

“I think that’s plenty for now. If she has questions, she knows where to find you.”

“But I want this to be perfect for both of them.”

“You’ll make it as good as you can. It’s going to be weird for everyone. Prince will have to get used to his new home and his new mom, Meg will have to learn all about her new puppy, and we’ll have to adjust to him not being here.”

Allie smoothed his fur and sucked back a sniffle, scooping him into her arms when the doorbell rang.

I let Meg in, her dark eyes bright with excitement and her hair pulled into a bun—a wise choice, considering how much Prince liked to chew hair.

“Princey, your new mommy is here.”

Meg beelined to Allie and the puppy, kneeling next to them. “Hey there, double cuties.” She hugged Allie and pet Prince.

Allie burst into tears, and I joined them on the floor, pulling her into my arms and handing Prince to Meg so she could start getting to know him. Allie snuggled into my chest and curled her fingers into my shirt.

“I know,” I murmured to her. “But Meg and Prince are going to have so much fun together and you can see both of them whenever you want.”

Allie nodded in silence.

The other puppies howled from the nursery, sensing that we had a guest. “Do you want to check on the other babies and I’ll get Meg situated with Prince?”

She swallowed hard and sniffled. “Okay, but I’m letting them all out of puppy jail.”

I gave Meg all the information on Prince, and packed his bed, blanket, and toys into a box for her. The other puppies barreled out, excitedly sniffing our new arrival.

“Oh my goodness. If I didn’t have an apartment, I might have to take all four of you home.”

“Definitely better to start with one,” I said with a laugh. I walked Meg through the basics of puppy care, talked about the obedience classes the rescue offered to adopters, and discussed his food and the growing exercise needs that would have to be met.

“Honestly, this sounds great. I’ve been slacking on the contact with other living things and getting outside.”

We took a family trip over to Meg’s, the baby B’s in a carrier in the back seat, and Prince in his own carrier that would stay in his new home. Allie seemed much more content once she was in Meg’s space, arranging Prince’s things where she thought he might like them best, and pinning up the information she had written down onto Meg’s fridge.