“They’re definitely good for that,” I replied. “This should be great for everyone. Let me know when you’ve submitted the form and I’ll email the rescue.”

“Already done. I couldn’t wait.”

I opened up my email and quickly typed up a message to let them know to look out for Meg’s application and that we’d love for her to adopt Prince. “Awesome, email sent. Let me just grab some lunch for Allie and we can all go about our days.”

I thanked Meg and Luna again for coming out with me, and headed home with a fresh sandwich for Allie.

When I arrived home, I set the food in the fridge and glanced out through the patio doors. Allie was sprawled in the grass while the puppies ran circles around her. Eager to soften the blow of the coming weekend, I took myself straight outside. “I have good news.”

“Is it that we won the lottery and we’re gonna start a puppy sanctuary and keep every puppy that comes to us ever?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at the earnestness of her tone and the shining hope in her eyes. “Not quite, but we got an application for Prince I think you’ll like.”



Allie bolted upright, scaring the bejeezus out of Biscuit, and sending her tumbling backward. “Meg’s going to adopt our baby? I really do get to be his auntie?! Oh my god, this is amazing. Princey, Mommy’s still going to get to see you!”

Although Prince had no idea what she was saying, he scampered excitedly over to her and flopped onto his back to expose his belly. Allie kissed all over his face while she gave him some tummy scratches.

“She still has to get approved, but since we’re fostering and we can give her an endorsement, there’s basically no reason she wouldn’t get him.”

“I wonder if Luna would adopt one of the B’s…”

“Luna does not strike me as a dog person. Maybe cats, if she wanted any animals at all.”

Allie huffed out of breath. “You’re right. She’s never had pets so she doesn’t know what she’s missing.”

“You have time to figure it out for the other babies. Let’s focus on Prince right now. Did you already do his training for today?”

“I totally did. Princey, do you want to show Daddy what you learned?”

He kicked his legs and wiggled in the grass.


Prince perked up and rolled onto his stomach, parking his butt in the grass.

“Oh my gosh! Who is the sweetest, smartest, bestest baby boy in all of history? That’s you!” Allie pulled a treat out of her pocket and fed it to him.

We were still years away from it, but she really was going to be the cutest parent in existence. I hadn’t lied to her about loving her more each day, and sometimes it felt like my whole chest was going to explode when I looked at her. Seeing her share the trials and joys of fostering with me was soothing an old itch I never thought would be scratched.

This life wasn’t an easy sell for a lot of people. Loving on the babies was easy, but everything else that came along with it required a specific sort of person and I was continuously relieved she seemed to be one of them. I wasn’t too worried about her attachment to Prince. I was the same with my first foster, and so was pretty much every other foster parent I had ever met.

“How do we make sure that Meg gets him? Should we have her over for a play date?”

“I’ll contact the rescue and let them know that we know her. They’ll do a home visit to make sure she understands what she’s getting into and that her home is safe for Prince. Once that’s all squared away, she’ll be able to pick him up from us.”

Banjo yipped behind her for attention and she twisted around to scoop him up, planting a kiss on the top of his head. “Yes, my little Banjo baby? Are you starving? So neglected. Are you going to wither away having absolutely nothing since your last snack?” She held him aloft in my direction. “Banjo is ready for a snack.”

I chuckled and helped her gather everyone up to bring them to eat, holding her at my side while we watched them inhale their food.

“I’m definitely going to take the little B’s to work. Maybe I should get them tiny vests that say adopt me on them.”

“It’s definitely a good marketing gimmick,” I agreed. “I’ll set you up with an info packet and a QR code people can scan to fill out the adoption forms.”

“I know I was crying about this not that long ago, but I actually feel kind of exhilarated now.” Allie stood on her tiptoes to kiss me before dropping to her knees to pet everyone. “I’m gonna get you all the best homes ever.”