The red stone in the center was shaped like a heart, and the gold band around it was formed into tiny leaves with minuscule diamonds added in strategically to give it extra sparkle. I could already see it on Allie’s finger, the stone matching her favorite lipstick, the diamonds glittering just like her eyes when she was happy.

“What stone is this?”

“Red beryl, or red emerald, depending on which name you prefer. The smaller stones are diamonds.”

It was beautiful, whimsical, and sweet just like Allie. I glanced between Meg and Luna. “Thoughts?”

Luna’s expression was so soft and filled with longing as she stared at it, but it lasted only a half second. I’d never seen her look like that before, and it made me wonder how much of a wall she’d built against the world for it to only sneak out a second at a time.

“I think she’ll love it,” Luna replied.

“She definitely will,” added Meg.

“Okay, then, if we’re all in agreement, I’ll take this one.”

“You’re also in luck that this is already a size six so we don’t have to worry about resizing anything.”

I walked out of the store with the ring in a velvet box and took the ladies for a quick lunch.

“Thank you for coming with me.”

Luna eyeballed me. “Thanks for wanting us there.”

“Do you have any plans for the proposal?” Meg asked.

“Is it too cliché to have it served on top of a dessert at a fancy restaurant?”

“Not too cliché,” said Luna. “Mostly because Allie would love that. Combining sweets and sentimentality? You’ve got a recipe for a happy omega.”

“There’s a gorgeous French place we’ve walked by a few times she always looks longingly at, but the reservation list is a mile long,” Meg told me.

I pulled up the restaurant on my phone, knowing exactly which one she meant. “This one?”

“That’s it!”

“I actually have a reservation for it. She was all starry-eyed over it on one of our walks the week after we bonded, so I just made a reservation for it that night. It’s coming up in a few weeks.”

“Perfect timing, then.”

“Can I ask you two something?”

“Sure, whatever you need,” said Meg.

“Any secret tips for helping Allie through grief? She’s having a really hard time with the fosters getting adopted.”

“I wish I had something to tell you.” Meg sighed. “Our girl has a big heart and bigger feelings. Is the little pit bull up for adoption?”

“He is. He could officially be taken home this weekend.”

Meg perked up. “Really? How would I apply to adopt him?”

“I’m glad you offered,” Luna said with a laugh. “I’d have considered adopting him just for Allie even though I am not a pet person.”

Relief filled me at the idea that Meg might want to adopt Prince. That was as good as it could get for Allie’s first foster. “I’ll send you a link to the rescue’s adoption page. There’s a form you can fill out and I can let them know you’re top of our list for candidates. You’re not thinking about it just so Allie can see him, right?”

Meg shook her head. “That’s just a perk. I wasn’t going to get a dog until I was done with my PhD, but I think getting one now would be way better for my health and actually get me out into the sunlight once in a while.”

“Heaven knows you need to be extracted from your apartment half the time.” Luna laughed. “If a dog is what it takes for that to happen more often, I’m here for it.”